Earlier in the news, we showed you pictures of overcrowded Water, taxis which made the social media rounds. And today during a brief visit to San Pedro Commissioner of Police Chester Willams says he advised water taxi personnel on how to better implement social distancing both during boarding and disembarkation. He spoke to the San Pedro Sun.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"One of the greatest concerns that people on the island as well as those on mainland have is the issue relating to the water taxi. Now there are several photographs going around on social media showing that these water taxis are over crowded and so I had visited the water taxi terminal here in San Pedro and I have spoken to the manager and explain to him what the requirements are and so I am happy to say that I see they have put things in place to ensure social distance boarding. Now the issue is whether or not there is sufficient being done to ensure social distance when unloading and so what I said to him is that he must ensure that whenever they are unloading that they let out passengers one at a time and each passenger must give the one ahead of him/her sufficient distance when coming off the boast so as to maintain social distance."