We asked Police Commissioner Chester Williams what he thought of the release from the Belize Medical and Dental Association in defense of Dr. Pineda's actions.
He was firm in his declaration that nobody, even doctors, are exempted from obeying the law:
Chester Williams - Commissioner of Police
"I have heard of the release issued by the doctors and dental association, I believe."
Chester Williams
"Yes, and it is my honest belief that the release is one that goes against the grain of equality before the law. Not because you're a doctor, it means that you must be allowed to break the law. The doctors are fully aware of the existence of the SI that prohibits them from working at the private clinic, and government hospital at the same time. They cannot now come to say that they want the law to be repealed and charges being withdrawn against the doctor. That is not right at all. When we arrest the ordinary poor man on the streets, we don't hear the doctors and dental association say withdraw charges against them and change the law to suit these poor people. So, why must we do it now? The next issue with that is that the patients who were dealt with were not emergency patients, so they could have gone to the hospital and receive the treatment there as they needed. With that said, the doctors are not above the law. They must also act in conformity with the law, like anybody else."