Those guidelines will be circulated by Friday. But, will they include a provision for students to wear masks in the classroom, on the playground, and in other areas?
Well, that is still up in the air- depending on the regulations that ar sin force when August comes around :
Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education
"Given the current state if school were to open today or tomorrow, yes everybody would have to wear a mask, because that is the regulation now. We don't know what will be the regulation on August 10th and so rather that get a;; frizzled and have to be worrying and going back and forth, let us wait and see. I want people to be assured that this ministry is not taking any of these precautions lightly. In fact when you see the kind of handbook or the manual that my team in this ministry has developed, you will know that they have taken every single thing in consideration. That manual tell even the teachers or even who is going to prepare the classroom how to swing the map in the room. This the kind of detail that they have gone to."