7 News Belize

CWU Rejects PBL Pay Cuts
posted (June 11, 2020)

On Monday's news, we told you about the plan from the management of the Port of Belize to weather the harsh economic times being brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Port wanted to implement austerity measures, which included pay cuts of 20% for executives and 15% for middle management. These among other actions would allow the port to keep all of its 150- member staff employed.

Well, the Port employees who are members of the Christian Workers Union are resisting that salary reduction strategy.

In a strongly-worded press release sent today, the union said, quote, "Members of the… (CWU) employed with the Port… have rejected any reduction of their salaries, without first seeing the books of the Receivership. In the poll taken by secret ballot, sixty-four (64) of the eighty-five (85) current members in attendance unanimously voted not to accept PBL's proposed ten percent (10%) salaries reduction until a financial expert designated by CWU reviews PBL's accounts to be able to offer guidance on whether the option is fair and necessary….Members will not take on faith PBL's claims regarding the need for their proposed salaries reductions….Members today unanimously voted to take a stand against such unfair treatment." End quote.

The press release goes on to explain that the union appreciates that there is an ongoing crisis that requires shared sacrifice.

The union has informed the Port's Management and the Minister of Labor of the decision.

They are expecting that the Port will put this pay-cut decision on hold until quote, "…there is a fair deal agreed so members do not suffer more pain than they need to." End quote.

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