And, one of the changes that will be made is reinforcing the concept that abuses by senior officers can be reported without penalty, and that those officers are accountable. It's called week Zero - to focus on the first week that recruits will be in training. We asked the General about it today:
Jules Vasquez
"Because the anecdotal evidence we have heard suggest that when a soldier makes a complaint, punitive action is taken. One way or the other they make that soldier's life a living hell, be they male or female. Explain to me what is your wish for managing cases of abuse beit physical, verbal, sexual?"
Brigadier General Steven Ortega
"In my point of view there is no place for abuse of any form. So the week zero is a sign so that the initial recruits coming in as soldiers will actually have a chance to understand the culture of the reporting process, so if they believe they've been abused, aggrieved in whatever manner, they understand the process all the way up to my level and beyond and so they know that they have a way out in terms lodging a complain."