But, there are times - eight of them to be exact - when you don't have to wear a mask. The AG outlined those specifically:
Hon. Michael Peyrefitte, Attorney General
"You don't have to wear the mask at your house, private residence. If you are home you don't have to wear a mask and who are visiting you don't have to wear the mask either. While you are exercising, while you are engaging in any sporting activity: swimming, driving alone or driving with immediate family member in the car, riding a motorcycle or bicycle, if you a priest pastor member of the choir or other person conducting the service or sermon of a church or other place of worship or you are at a restaurant eating - if you are any one of those things or engage in any one of those activities you don't have to wear the mask. Anything else you must wear the mask."
"You don't have to social distance the 6 feet if you are part of the same group of people swimming or if you are playing sports or if you are attending church or at a restaurant, bar, casino or other similar establishment - naturally you will be close to each other. If you are a person at a discotek or at a nightclub you can't social; distance, but for those ones that never mentioned above, you have to wear mask. So you don't have to social distance in the club, but you have to wear a mask, you don't have to social distance at a casino but you have to wear mask, you don't have to social distance at a bar, but you have to wear mask. Smoking is allowed in the casino again, so when you are smoking you pull off your mask, take your 2 draw and put on back your mask."
So, to be clear, these are the times when you DO NOT have to wear a mask:
If you are at home, if you are exercising, if you are engaged in a sporting activity, if you are swimming, if you are driving alone or with your family members in the car, if you are riding a motorbike of bicycle, if you are in a church, or if you are in a restaurant.