The case is not so clear for the Honduran fishers who were caught at Gladden Spit earlier this month. There was a mix up with their tests, so we only learnt that one was positive three weeks after he was caught. Manzanero explained today:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero - Director of Health Services
"The contact that the police officers had with the people who is positive happened almost a month ago. So there wouldn't be no benefit if those officers did not fall ill, the initial contact testing them at day 28 is not really going to make any scientific sense by now. I did get a report yesterday from the public health inspector in the area, because you have to map the risk - who is a medium, high and low risk. When I review the report, it doesn't seem that any of the officers involved and I think the listing had 22 people, does not put any of them at high risk for SARS Covid-2, so that in my vantage point I would not swabbed any of the officers. If the 2 persons who were with him all along have tested negative, then that becomes your marker for any police officer who may have had a casual contact with case #24."
We also asked about he possible exposure of Placencia police since those fishers were taken to that station for at least 12 hours before they were sent to Dangriga. Manzanero said the risk is almost nil:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero - Director of Health Services
"So he was not initially swabbed, that's why you did not have him be swabbed on the week of the 7th June. However, we had taken note he was swabbed around day 12-13 when he was about to be let go, but because again, people who are caught illegally are not necessarily going to have and provide you with available data. The ID's or whatever they have they are illegal here. There was a mixed up with the names provided to the medical lab, its 2 weeks ago that we knew we had a positive case from those 3 Hondurans, but because of the mixed up of names, the wrong names provided to whatever process was happening on the ground we had already alerted them and we had to go back and re-swabbed the 3 of them to identify which one of the 3 it was with adequate names, which is why it was reported 1 week later. That person from our vantage point would have been somebody would have been caught late in the disease, we expect him to be one of those persons who have stared that zero conversion process. He has never been symptomatic and the other 2 Hondurans who have been with him have been negative."