Today at his press conference the commissioner of police underscored - once again - that if you go to a nightclub, you have to use a mask. This weekend was the first without curfew in months, so many people hit the clubs. The COMPOL says a mask is a must, punto final:
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I have given a directive this morning that police officers will not be working at certain establishments, these are nightclubs. One of the reasons for that is because some of them are not sound proof; some do not have an exit and entry separate; some are too small and the number of people going there to party it put the public and even the police at risk. If it is that police is not working there and they have no security then they are going to be in violation of the law. It is within this spirit that we are going to ensure that some of these places that do not follow the law, that we do not keep them open. Over the weekend, the police visited Sit and Sip and a number of persons were found in there without face masks, those persons were detained and the place was closed down. Police also visited a number of other night clubs across the country over the weekend doing the same, to ensure that there is compliance with the regulations that are in place. At the end of the day as the police, we have a responsibility to ensure that these regulations are enforced for the safety of all and in so doing our officers too must ensure that they are properly equip with a view to protect themselves in the event that any person that they may encounter may be infected with the virus. Club owners, though the law does not putt responsibility on them to ensure that the patrons wear mask, they should still make it their responsibility to ensure that they tell every patron that come that they must wear a mask and if it is that they work with us in ensuring that their patrons wear masks then it makes our job much easier and it makes the society much safer."