Indeed, Garcia was a well loved community cop in PG, which is why many find his death so inexplicable.
But, it's an incredibly stressful job, and the commissioner says they have to get more active counselling interventions for their officers:
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Belize
"We need to look at our officers more closely with a view to see when they're going through difficult circumstances and try to intervene before things like this occur and so moving forward there is some work that needs to be done. One of the things we're proposing is to see if we can establish a counseling unit within the police department. I think that it is really needed especially now because we have the officers having to deal with the issue of fighting crime and dealing with these incidences of border jumpers and things that put them and their families at greater risk so sometimes we have officers working and they are extremely worried about their health. Whether or not they're going to attract the Coronavirus and rightfully so but despite that fact we still find that they go out and they do their best. And I think that that speaks to the fact of what I have said before that as police officers we are a special breed of people because the things we do many people would not want to do it not even for a day."