Border jumpers are driving up the COVID case numbers, but contraband smuggling is also a high risk activity threatening to bring COVID into Belize along with all those cheap beers and sodas.
Despite the warnings and the increased border security, contraband continues to stream across illegal border crossings with Mexico and Guatemala.
And, on Friday evening, Cayo police found 68 cases of contraband beer stashed at a Santa Familia residence.
The stash was on the scale of a warehouse and included an assortment of Mexican and Guatemalans brands, including Corona, Modelo, Carta Blanca and others. It is believed to have come from out of the Benque Viejo Free Zone, into Guatemala, and then smuggled back into Belize at one of the many illegal border crossings.
It's a big bust - but customs officers we spoke to say it's probably only the tip of a very large iceberg.