But it seems the Prime Minister will not proceed to confirm acting Chief Justice Michelle Arana as the substantive CJ.
He explained that the timing - being so close to an election- makes it problematic:
"Are you willing to speak on when tenure will be granted to the Acting Chief Justice. That is still outstanding. Your thoughts, your comments?"
Rt. Hon Dean Barrow- Prime Minister
"Look, I think it should be sooner rather than later. Remember though, that we need to consult with the opposition but I have to be careful because already the opposition is already making noise of, for example, the Boledo contract signed with Brad's which came out in a completely transparent fashion. But they are saying because you only have a couple of months more, perhaps less than a 100 days to go before the elections are due, you shouldn't be signing contracts. You shouldn't be making appointments that would go beyond the life of the current administration. We do not want the appointment of the Chief Justice to become embroiled in legal controversy and in litigation. So, I am bearing that sort of thing well in mind and weighing against it the natural interest of you in the media and of the public for an acting appointment not to be continued for too long. I hope we can make a decision sooner rather than later."