And, while the news from today's press conference so far has been all about Ashcroft and Politics, really, the three hour long press conference was held to launch government's economic recovery strategy. It's a response to the COVID pandemic where government took input from all major sectors. The Minster of State for Economic Development outlined the pillars of the plan:
Hon. Tracy Panton, Minister of State, Trade
"This recovery plan intends to safeguard livelihoods, provide stimulus for business continuity. It is expected to support existing and new enterprises for job retention and job creation, to strengthen and diversify our local economy in spite of the shocks we have experience due to Covid-19. The Economic Recovery strategy for Belize is built on five pillars: supporting business recovery, creating a business climate for growth, improving government efficiencies and the conditions for doing business. Strengthening of our productive sectors and growing our emerging economy."
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Minister of Agriculture
"We are feverishly completing as we speak, a 16 million in direct relief to those farmers suffering multiple hardships from the drought as I mentioned, Covid and the floods."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow- Prime Minister
"We will recover and this new bible, however short-lived it might be because of the eminence of elections will help us to recover."