So with the app not ready, and the tracking bracelets not really ready, some folks would just say run for cover and keep the airport closed. But today when we asked Dr Marvin Manzanero squarely, he said that he loses much less sleep about the regulated process at the airport than he does about border jumping in the hinterlands:
Dr. Marvin Manzanero
"If you have a plane load of people coming in, you have 100 Belizeans arriving on Saturday August 15th, the concern you will understand and appreciate are the Belizeans coming back to their families and their communities, so from the health standpoint those are the ones we have to be concerned about and I kept saying that and I know that people are really jelling with the message, I think they are buying into the message, because they want to seem to blame tourists for coming in. But if the tourists are coming to a specific safety corridor and you can discuss that in another forum, but it's the Belizeans that are coming in and you have to be concerned. I think it's manageable, I think for right now my concern would be from a personal and professional standpoint is the ongoing spread that is potentially happening with these 3 cases. I think that's more of a concern. At the end of the day the plane may arrive with 100 people, but you would know before they arrive whose coming, where their intended address is that at least you are going to get them a PCR. We swabbed 50 people in San Pedro, but it very well be 100 people more that needed to be swabbed and we would not be able to swabbed, because we don't know who they are. So as incredible as it may sound the airport and the plane might be more of a control setting that what is happening and brewing right now."