And finally, for tonight, the media asked Faber about an important
element of the PUP's proposed education reform. Among other relief
programs, the Opposition is promising free education from pre-school to
6th form. Here are Faber's comments on that election promise:
Hon. Patrick Faber- Minister of Education
"Free education is possible but not by the kind of reckless promising
that the opposition did when they had that press conference. But it
cannot be blanketed by what the PUPs are saying: just paying for
everything, paying for everything. In fact, I can guarantee you that
that does not work. How? Because every single time an attempt has been
made for free education, it has never been by the People's United Party
administration even though they have tried it so many times. Every time
it has been tried, remember free tuition back in 1993 done by the
Esquivel administration? Remember the paying for tuition as well for
second year sixth form done by the Esquivel administration? Remember
$300 subsidy? You give me an example of where the PUP have ever
honoured a promise to reduce the cost of education much less make it
free. I can tell you from our own experience that education will
continue to balloon if we are just going to say, we will take up the
cost. In 1993, I was a student at SJC when Mr. Esquivel, Prime Minister
Esquivel introduced the free tuition concept. SJC at that time charged
$60 per student for the month, I think it was. So, I think it's about
$600 a year. So, what the Ministry, the Government did at the time was
they looked at what the cost was at the schools, if it is $600, then
the government paid that $600. And the Government did that. That was
the money that was required from the students at the time. When that
was done, what happened? Those payments, up to today, are still being
made in one form or the other. Although finance reform has changed the
way it is done, those payments were made by the Government. But still,
students now have astronomical costs and fees still. Schools found
creative ways of saying, well that wasn't fees that we were charging,
that was tuition. This country never knew the difference between
tuition and fees before that was implemented. So, I am telling you,
just throwing money and saying we are going to pay for it without
streamlining what is actually happening in education and ensuring that
we get a better bang for our buck is not going to help us in education.
It seems to me that the PUPs plan smacks of just trying to say: "here
we will pay, it is going to be free," without any kind of efficiency
measures or quality measures in the system."