7 News Belize

No Street Signs for Northern Politician, COVID Matters More
posted (August 18, 2020)
Turning now to Orange Walk - we go to the east of that district where two villages, Santa Marta and San Jose Palmar have COVID cases. San Marta is fully quarantined as they are determined to have community spread, and Palmar is just reporting its first cases.

The UDP area rep is under pressure to keep Santa Marta fed and connected to supply chains, and he may have to do the same in Palmar. Today he told us that in view of the COVID reality on the ground, he's going to depart from the political script, and he will not be spending money on any elaborate political signage or flags - the kind that usually drop lampposts in election season. Via Zoom, he told us why:

Hon. Elodio Aragon, UDP OW East Area Rep.
"Every time when we have elections we have politicians representative spending a large sum of money in terms of placards, banners, flags all over the place. This for me when I look at Covid and see the impact that it has done on our economy, the impact that it brings to our people in terms of you have villages on lockdown like Santa Martha and others. When you look at all these things happening with people who lose their jobs, people who are having financial difficulties, because I truly believe that we have to look at things differently. This is not a normal election year. We are going to have an election with Covid. No two ways about that. So what do we do? We carry on the same way, I don't think so. I think the Belizean people out there if you talk to them they are less concern about election right now and more concern about their safety, their health and security right now."

"People spends a lot of money on these things and at the end of the day I think although they look good and this and that, they do nothing for our community and that is why I have made a decision, I am not looking to compete with anyone who has big signs out there, nobody who are putting up flags on the poles, but rather focus on our people right now. When that time come for election when it draws very near then of course I might have to put some flags leading to the polling area etc. and maybe 1 or 2 signs. But that is about it on my part and that is why I truly believe that at this point in time as a representative we must put our people first and I can't justify to myself that I will spend tons of money on signs, flags out there, when I can use that money to help people in my division who needs that help."

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"A winner has to look like a winner, has to feel like a winner and when your opponent starts to blanket the division with his signs and put up things on the poles, your team will say boy we need that, we are the UDP, we are a mass party. I'm saying that you have this idea right now, but within a month when things really start heat up you will change this idea, because your people will demand it."

Hon. Elodio Aragon, UDP OW East Area Rep.
"To that, I think at the end of the day people will vote for those who they believe will represent them the best. I've always been with my community. I think at the end of the day we have to look towards what will benefit us at this point in time. In Orange Walk for instance I see where they put up signs already and flags. Jules those flags from here to election time, those flags will hang, they will rot and what good has it served. I won't say that I won't put flags, I won't say that I won't have shirts and face masks for people, but at the end of the day that has to be limited in my view to maybe getting right up to elections, but not for me to spend a lot of money right now. You what if you spend $30,000, $50,000 or more right now, you know what you can do with that amount of money right now to help with this situation."

Aragon said he delivered 200 packages of grocery supplies to Santa Marta earlier this week.

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