It's on - the UDP war of words between Leader of the Opposition Shyne
Barrow and Leader of the Party, Patrick Faber has resumed with extreme
prejudice. That's after Faber broke an informal gag order to keep the
party's dirty laundry out of the public view while they work things
Faber did that when he appeared on LOVE FM's Morning Show yesterday
saying that Shyne Barrow should basically step aside as Leader of the
Opposition - and give it back to the rightful party leader.
Well, that shot went right past Barrow's bow - and last night on the
season premier of Uncut he struck back at Faber, with verbal vengeance
- here are his very uncut remarks:
Shyne Barrow, Leader of The Opposition
"The party will never unite around him because he's too decisive, too
petty and he doesn't prioritize. He shouldn't be on the morning show
whining and crying sounding like a wounded hog to be the leader of the
opposition. All I heard was me, me, me, me."
And, while Faber indicated that he is one Hugo Patt vote away from
getting back to the spot as Leader of the Opposition in the House -
Shyne Barrow says if he had it - he wouldn't be talking about it:
Shyne Barrow
"I didn't appoint myself leader of the opposition, I was elected."
Jules Vasquez
"By 2 people!"
Shyne Barrow
"If it was so easy why he can't get it?"
Jules Vasquez
"Well he said Hugo Patt is on the fence."
Shyne Barrow
"Listen, there's a reason that he doesn't have it and that's
because the elected members of the house don't have confidence
in him."
Jules Vasquez
"Is Hugo Patt on the fence?"
Shyne Barrow
"Listen, I do not believe anything that Patrick Faber says, proof
is in the pudding right and the reason is on the morning show,
whining and crying is because he was not on the fence."
Jules Vasquez
"Are you prepared to unmask your ambition and say that you want
to be leader of the UDP and you want it now."
Shyne Barrow
"Well 53% of the national convention does not want to
follow him. What he needs to do is stop making it a Shyne
vs Patrick thing."
Jules Vasquez
"You're positioning yourself, you've maximally
increased your profile, are you prepared to now say,
listen, now is the time, I want it?"
"This is not about me."
Jules Vasquez
"It is about you sir."
Shyne Barrow
"You asked me a question but then you want answer the question for
me, we've been through this already man. This is not about me, I am
prepared to support whoever my colleagues want to support. I will
tell you that many of my colleagues while I've been away and since
I've returned have asked me to offer myself to be the leader of the
UDP. I am still where I was before which is I want what is best for
the party, I already named 3 people, the Hon. Tracy Panton, the
Hon. Senator Darrell Bradley, the Hon. Senator Peyrefitte."
Jules Vasquez
"Would you support Tracy?"
Shyne Barrow
"I would support her"
Jules Vasquez
"Ahead of yourself?"
Shyne Barrow
"Ahead of myself."
"In your mind, Patrick Faber has to go?"
Shyne Barrow
"Absolutely, party will never unite around him."
Jules Vasquez
"How will you all get rid of him?"
"At the next convention. He needs to stop worrying about the leader
of the opposition, do whatever he can and get ready for the next
convention and at that time, I will support whom ever we all decide
to rally around. I will support whoever we decide to."
Jules Vasquez
"But why not support yourself?"
Shyne Barrow
"I will support whoever we all want to rally around."
You can see the entire episode of Uncut on its Youtube page.
Shyne Barrow will continue to hold the Leader of the Opposition's seat
when the house meets tomorrow - with Faber demoted to the first to last
seat on the opposition bench.