And, it's right there in his address that Saldivar dropped a bomb on Barrow - we're referring to Dean, not Shyne. Saldivar said his former leader knew that he had gotten funds from Lev Dermen before what he referred to as a fateful Cabinet meeting. Because he would not elaborate further - we can't say which Cabinet meeting it was - but the one that has been spoken about is the one in mid January 2019 when Barrow told the press that he asked each member of Cabinet if they received money from Lev Dermen or his associate Jacob Kingston, and they they all said no.
Well, today - for the very first time - Saldivar presented a different narrative - and went against his former PM:
John Saldivar, Belmopan Aspirant
"I repeat again, I have never accepted a bribe and have never been a part of any corrupt scheme. I say now though, that I had informed the prime minister prior to that fateful cabinet meeting that I had been receiving campaign contributions from Lev Dermen. I did not come out to clear my name, because to do so would have put me in contradiction with my prime minister and what he had said at that fateful press conference."
Again, when pressed for clarity on these written remarks - Mr Saldivar declined.
We asked Dean Barrow for comment and he declined, saying, quote, "I refuse to get involved. I am retired from politics and will not be drawn in."