7 News Belize

Cop and His Wife Charged In Domestic Cross Complaint
posted (February 15, 2022)
And while he awaits his day in court, today a woman was charged for common assault upon a police officer. But that officer, who is an attorney, was also charged for the same thing yesterday!

As we reported, 33-year-old Inspector David Mckoy went before the court after he was involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend.

Well, today, that girlfriend 27-year-old Selena Francis went before the magistrate after Mckoy made a cross complaint against her.

Francis appeared unrepresented before Magistrate Johnson-Clark where she pleaded not guilty to one count of common assault upon Mckoy. There was no objection to bail and she was granted it in the sum of $500 plus one surety of the same amount with conditions that she not interfere with the virtual complainant, his family, or other witnesses.

Francis met bail at around noon and is due back in court on March 2nd.

Mckoy is also out on bail and he will be back in court in April. In his report to police, he explained that around 10 on Sunday morning, he and Francis went to Publics Supermarket on the Philip Goldson Highway to buy groceries. While there, they got into a misunderstanding and Mckoy reported that he left and went to wait for her inside the vehicle. Shortly after, Francis followed him and they got into an argument in the vehicle, which was in the parking lot. Mckoy claims that Francis started to act boisterously so he recorded what she was saying on his phone. That was when Francis allegedly grabbed his face with both hands and twisted his left ear then slapped his face. Francis then reportedly grabbed his cellphone from his hand and threw it through the driver's side window.

Mckoy allegedly tried to take her phone away but he was unsuccessful. Francis then reportedly called for police assistance and the officers escorted them to the Belama substation where they were later transferred to the DVU. She claims McKoy assaulted her and has a medico legal form for harm.

We note that this is the third allegation of domestic abuse made against Mckoy.

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