"Landy" Habet, the Minister responsible for the environment, also had to answer tough questions of his own.
That's because reports emerged that he has issued a salvage logging license to someone close to his political camp. There are public objections to that license because logging should not take place inside a national park. That designation is supposed to offer a high degree of protection from the destructive impacts of logging.
We asked Habet about that permit, and he insisted that in his opinion, there is nothing objectionable about it. That's because, according to Habet, the licensee will only be allowed to collect trees in the national park that were already downed. Here's that back and forth from Saturday in Orange Walk:
Hon. Orlando "Landy" Habet - Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management
"When we got into the office, we found out that there was a fire at about 1 or 1 and a half years before. And it is customary for the Forest Department to issue salvage licenses when there is a petition for areas in the forest that have caught fire. So, the reason is that they are good logs, so you don't want it to rot or spoil. That is why it is called salvage, just to pick up what is already burnt, or what is already on the ground. There are also instances where maybe a license was issued the year before. The rainy season came, and they couldn't take it. So, it's down there. But, they already did the expenses, and so, the next year, they come to ask for a salvage license to take out what was already on the ground."
Daniel Ortiz
"So sir, anybody who suggests that this is bending the law in any kind of way to accommodate someone close to your campaign camp."
Hon. Orlando "Landy" Habet
"They have the right to say what they want, but what I'm saying is that the logs are there. If it can be salvaged and used for a good purpose, then sure, before they spoil. But also, I mention that it's not the first time it's done. It's been done up in the north. I think there is an area where it caught fire. So, a salvage license was issued. But to be truthful, nothing has been taken out because the weather hasn't permitted it. We fear that maybe he might not be able to take it out because we have more rain now."
Daniel Ortiz
"So, it's not a logging license, right?"
Hon. Orlando "Landy" Habet
"No, no, no. It's not."
"But, do you agree that it's an appearance of a conflict of interest or special interest?"
Hon. Orlando "Landy" Habet
"One, he's not my campaign manager, and secondly - he's a member of my executive - but I don't see the bias. If somebody applied it. We don't have another application. So, if it's only one application that comes in, that's it."