7 News Belize

UDP Flexes, Stages Defiant, Illegal Protest
posted (August 23, 2022)
The UDP's took it to the streets today - for the first time in YEARS. It was - as they say - a heat check, or maybe a cold one - the determine if the UDP - whose power and popularity base has always been in the city - still had the political muscle to flex.

Cherisse Halsall found them not exactly muscular, but definitely lean and hungry. Did that mean a clash with police. Thankfully, not today. Here's her report from the streets:

The UDP left its Belize City headquarters at least 200 strong this morning. It was a promised yet illegal protest that went down Vernon street, all the way to the Shell One stop, which they call the Prime Minister's gas station and then back to headquarters. Police presence was minimal, and they did not interfere with the crowd.

"Sir will you resist arrest if the police make an arrest?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader Of the Opposition
"No I will not, this is a peaceful demonstration, the police have a job to do and I have a job to do as the leader of the opposition I have to stand up for the Belizean people and enough talking enough is enough."

The party's newly installed Secretary-General expressed that this movement was one that the police would have been unwise to try and stop.

Juliet Thimbrel, Secretary General, UDP
"It's well overdue that is the bottom line it is well overdue. We didn't get permission but we didn't have to get permission to express our dissatisfaction with what is happening in the country."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Are you surprised that the police are not trying to break up this protest right now?"

Juliet Thimbrel, Secretary General, UDP
"I'm not surprised because they know the anger of the people and when they try to do something like that they will expect a reaction that they don't want."

And the leader of the opposition - heading his first demonstration as party leader - was in fine form chanting energetically all the way there and stopping briefly in front of the Shell One Stop to address the press.

Shyne Barrow, Leader Of the Opposition
"We need relief. When you have the Prime Minister that owns a gas station and the gas keeps going up. It keeps going up, bring down the gas prices! bring down the cost of living! stop the corruption!, the Belizean people need relief!"

"We believe that it is a conflict of interest to have a Prime Minister that has vested interest in a gas station and now we have the highest, the highest gas prices ever, that is problematic and we need action. We want action."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Sir, your people are blocking the street without police permission?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader Of the Opposition
"Lower the gas prices, focus, lower the cost of living this is about higher gas prices than we have ever seen, this is about the highest cost of living that we have ever seen in this country and we need relief that is what this is all about."

And while Patrick Faber - whose division the protest was held in - and Tracy Taegar Panton were not there, we did see a few former UDP reps. People like former minister Edmond Castro and the once scandalized but still relevant former John Saldivar.

Edmond Castro, Former Area Rep
"I think it's a good start and I believe that for two long they thought we were dead and nobody is satisfied with the way this PUP government is running the country. Especially the gas pain, the gas pain seems to be crippling everybody, the entire economy, how they used them but now they don't know it now? So, even if for nothing else I came out because I can't stand the high cost of fuel."

"Like all new birth or re-birth we go through that kind of a thing and for sure that the UDP will come back again and form the next government in the next 18 months or so. We will get our act together."

John Saldivar, Member UDP
"Well, anytime gas goes up everything else goes up. Gas has been unbearably high for several months now and we have seen prices come down everywhere else in the world except for Belize. The Prime Minister says he is trying to recover his revenues but meantime the people are suffering. So we have to demonstrate against this."

Phillip Willoughby, UDP Port Loyola
"I won't go farther than to say that he, as the leader of this nation has the prerogative to lower the cost of fuel and he has denied the Belizean people this. He has denied us long enough and it is high time that the opposition takes to the floor, and start leading, the bottom line. If he cannot lead then it is time for us to take back the leadership of this country and lower the cost of gas for the Belizean people and for the sake and the health of the economy."

"Thanks to the people from Port Loyola who is out here supporting me and the party leader and the UDP today. I am much much grateful and I'm glad and I'm happy."

Second Deputy Leader Beverly Castillo poked some fun at our news director's crowd predictions and shared what it is about the PUP that brought the crowd out today.

Beverley Castillo, Second Deputy Party Leader
"It's a start it's not as small as Jules said it would be, but it is a start, right? The Belizean people have to know that as leaders we are prepared to defend them, defend their rights, defend the social net and bring it back for the Belizean people."

"Corruption the finances just doing what they want, interfering with the social security money, those things that are built on the safety net for our country. They are just wrong, just going off doing whatever they want that is what the Belizean people are saying right, so we have to be the defenders of the Belizean people as the loyal opposition."

Diane Finnegan, Member of the UDP
"We voted so that they can come in and make, put in place the solutions for crime and violence for the minimum wage all the promises that they said todos ganamos, what are we really winning? Some families are mourning the loss of their children at the hands of the very law that should be protecting us. So, we are saying enough is enough and the people must come out this is not about politics this is about survival."

But survival for the UDP may be hard-won if rumblings of internal division refuse to cease. Notable this morning was Patrick Faber's absence and the absence of his core group of loyalists. We asked some in the crowd about his whereabouts.

Cherisse Halsall:
"Sir what about the health of the UDP how do you see that right now?"

Phillip Willoughby, UDP Port Loyola
"Well, you are seeing it here, Belize city is represented here. If at any time, any individual cannot reconcile to the party then it is time for he or she to go, let's part ways and let the way of the party forge forward with the support of the people."

John Saldivar, Member UDP
"I am very pleased by the turnout, almost a spontaneous protest. We only announced it a few days ago. So, I am very satisfied with the turnout."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Sir this protest is primarily taking place in Collett and yet Patrick Faber is not here why is that?"

John Saldivar, Member UDP
"I think he's out of the country as far as I know."

Cherisse Halsall:
"Sir are any of Patrick Fabers supporters out here?"

Phillip Willougby
"Yes, yes, Yes."

But the leader of the opposition spent the morning dodging any and all questions about Faber, and staying on message.

"Who is your leadership team out here?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of The Opposition
"That is the very crux of this matter, the Prime Minister and the Minister of finance needs to lower the gas prices and lower the cost of living. The delegates are my leadership."

"Lower the cost of living, lower the gas prices."

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