7 News Belize

Marion Jones Returns to Belize
posted (December 13, 2006)

When Marion Jones came to Belize in 2002 it was to a hero's welcome as the track star, who has roots in Belize, was proclaimed a national hero. Well four years later Jones is back in Belize but it is minus the fanfare. She quietly arrived in Belize last week and today she met with the media. In a press conference this afternoon Marion addressed the issues of performance enhancing drugs, the Marion Jones Sports Complex, and her future on track. Keith Swift reports.

Marion Jones,
"I am back at home and this is the first time I've been back since 2002."

Marion Jones is back to where she calls home and she is here along with her three-year old son Monti. The track phenom says she is basically here on vacation since this is the off-season for track.

Marion Jones,
"Am here to celebrate some family events and have my son see home for the first time and see his family and so just really lay low. This is the off season as some of you might know. I am not training presently but just here to enjoy Belize."

Of course since the last time Marion was here, her name has been at the center of a scandal involving performance enhancing drugs. She has now been cleared and Marion says she has moved on.

Marion Jones,
"I don't wake up in the morning thinking about it. Occasionally when a question is asked about it I will address it but it is very simple: I have never done anything wrong. I've never taken any illegal substances and that is really what it comes down to; there is no need to get into at all."

And while Marion is here on pleasure - she hopes to continue work on a project she started back in 2002. That project is the Marion Jones Sports Complex. Since 2002 the only thing that has changed on the stadium is the name and it is now a rundown shell of a stadium with rotting bleachers. Whose to blame? Well Marion Jones says she's been waiting for government to do its part.

Marion Jones,
"There was some money secured for the stadium and we've been waiting and had been waiting for a long time to see it equaled and it hadn't been equaled so that is really where we are at. I wouldn't keep my name up there if I didn't think that change was going to happen. Sure I would have loved for it to have already happened and for me to be able to have this press conference in a brand new facility, it is not like that but we all know how things go sometimes and it takes sometimes a little longer than you want it to but no, I am not ashamed at all that my name is on this stadium. Actually I am still very proud."

Marion who was once the fastest woman in the world says she is now contemplating her life as Marion Jones the athlete - and Marion Jones the mom.

Marion Jones,
"I just need to make a lot of decisions about my future over the next few months. My son is getting at an age where I want to be more and more, it is necessary for me to be more and more present, as you see, and to me that is the most important thing in my life. Please don't get it wrong that track and field is the number one priority in my life. Being a mother and being a part of family is the number one thing so I'll make some decisions with my family in the next several months about what the future holds."

Jones will leave next week. She will meet with government officials tomorrow where they'll discuss plans to renovate the stadium. Jones has says she would want to participate in the 2008 Olympics.

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