7 News Belize

7 News Belize HeadlinesThursday, February 01, 2024

Alliance For Democracy Plans To Hold A UDP Unity Convention
The Alliance For Democracy - which is the UDP splinter group led by Tracy Panton - today held a press conference with just about 45 minutes notice. That's because at 2:00 pm, they ...
Faber Says Chairman Is In The Way Literally And Figuratively
Well, they have already gone. According to a late evening release from the UDP secretariat, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Wi...
Can Tracy Hold A Convention Without Chairman Mike P?
And while Faber can take digs at the Chairman - the fact is he still controls the UDP entity as it currently exists. So how can they even have a convention without a chairman - who presides...
Faber Furious At Shyne Stacking Standard Bearer Deck
If you didn't hear Saldivar, he said the 528 delegates will decide. Of course, they don't even agree with the current list of delegates recognized by the UDP secretariat. And that's be...
Faber Takes Shot At "Unelectable" Colleagues
And - while he did try to be somewhat restrained - Faber fell right back into the familiar UDP style of taking digs at their own colleagues. He says that the Alliance cannot support a candi...
Faber Says Shyne Didn't Deliver On Reform
And aside from being able to select and agree on which candidates they are in support of, Faber says that they should also have a right to change their minds in supporting a leader. He recal...
Alliance For Democracy Proposes A Way Forward
So where would they begin in terms of reforming their version of the UDP? Faber put forth a document titled "Reforming For The Future: A Vision For A Democratic And United UDP." Patrick ...
And while they have their white paper, and their letterhead - the Alliance For Democracy does not control the seating on the opposition bench. That is determined by the Leader of the Opposi...
7 Year Old Recovering After Near Fatal Cycle Accident
Tonight 7-year-old Emily Molina is still recovering from a head injury after she and her father, 26-year-old Silas Molina, were in a motorcycle accident yesterday. You saw surveillance...
Cop Among Those Charged For 8 Bricks Of Name Brand Cocaine
You may think that 20 pounds of cocaine in bricks labelled "Dolce and Gabanna" would be the top line news item - but tonight it's the fact that a police corporal was charged ...
DV Cop Accused Of Battering Common Law
And, in the south, a cop has been charged for domestic abuse. 42-year-old police officer Gerson Jones is accused of punching his common-law wife, 21-year-old Ana Nunez. In the face ...
Education Min Says ACC Issue Was Misunderstanding
Since Monday we've been following the hairy situation at Anglican Cathedral College. Yesterday you heard from the Minister of State in the Ministry of Education - that their policy is that...
Another Sarstoon Confrontation, FM Urges Diplomacy
And while the MOE is working it out with ACC, MOFA has its hands full with the GAF. You saw the Guatemalan Armed Forces vessel ram into the BTV's this past Saturday. This aggression occurr...
ICJ On The Horizon But Neighbors BZE And Guate Have More To Talk About
And while the Sarstoon and the GAF was one of the issues that the FM and the PM discussed with the Guatemalan president, they also spoke about the current territorial claim before the ICJ. W...
Almost There With Partial Scope
And while Fonseca and Briceno were recently in Guatemala, back in June, they visited El Salvador and met with President Nayib Bukele. At that time, the two countries had finished the second ...
125M USD Grant For Education And Energy, How Will It Be Deployed?
And while Belize continues to strengthen diplomatic relations with its neighbors, it will also be collaborating with the United States to enhance the education and energy sectors. Toda...
Celebrating Belize's Finest Creatives
"Belize' Sees You, Belize Hears You, Belize Respects You, Belize is proud of you." That was the message behind this year's Creative And Cultural excellence awards that took place this after...
Rain Couldn't Stop The Mas Camp Jam
And while that is Culture with a capital "C", the other kind of culture - carnival culture - may not have uppercase status - but it brings the high voltage energy for the streets. And so ...
MOE Working With Teachers To Renew Licenses
Just before the start of the school year, teachers had complained about their mandated 120 hours of "Continuous Professional Development". One prominent teacher even resigned, rather than lo...
Sir Sonny Passes, He Tried To Solve BZE-Guat Differendum
And finally tonight we note the passing of a regional giant, the Guyanese Diplomat Shridath Sonny Ramphal - who died on August 30th, aged 95. The former Secretary General of the Commonwealt...
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7 News Belize - News:
Important Note: This Internet version of 7 News is a verbatum transcript of our evening television news script. Many interviews on our newscast are conducted in Creole. In the interest of clarity for our foreign readers, we attempt to paraphrase the Creole quotes in English

Alliance For Democracy Plans To Hold A UDP Unity Convention

The Alliance For Democracy - which is the UDP splinter group led by Tracy Panton - today held a press conference with just about 45 minutes notice.

That's because at 2:00 pm, they say the mediation they were attempting with the party leadership failed.

So, they held the press conference to declare another way forward - one independent of the current party executive led by Shyne Barrow.

Jules Vasquez was there:

The conference room at the Collet Constituency office was dominated by the presence OF the four movers behind the Alliance For Democracy - a UDP splinter group who's trying to remove leader Shyne Barrow.

But, he moved them first - with the party's National Executive deeming them to have constructively resigned a week ago.

They reject that and still claim to be UDP's:

Tracy Panton, Alliance For Democracy
"The members who were constructively resigned by 15 members of the central executive committee would like to say categorically that we have not resigned from the United Democratic Party."

"We have not resigned. We will not resign. And we will be running for our respective constituencies in the next general election."

As the nominal leader of the group, Panton says they did try at mediation:

Tracy Panton, Alliance For Democracy
"We had hoped to have a press conference with you on Monday, but an appeal was made to us by other colleagues for us to come back to the mediation table, which we readily agreed to with one condition."

"We cannot come back to the mediation table unless there was a public retraction from the party that our of the declaration that we had effectively resigned from the party. It would mean going to the table with a gun to our head unless they were able to retract it."

"The party leader was clear that he would not accept that condition. He was only prepared to go as far as saying he would put a stay on filling the vacancies for the three constituencies where vacancies were made public - that is Belmopan, Collet and Albert. That is not acceptable to us. The party leader has rejected the request for a retraction. And we find that wholly unacceptable."

They say that the current leadership has variously violated the party constitutions to stack the party with loyalists::

Tracy Panton, Alliance For Democracy
"And maybe the most egregious is the removal of seven standard bearers of the United Democratic Party; Port Loyola, Caribbean Shores, Belize Rural South, Belmopan, Collet, Albert, and the threat of removing the member from Belize Rural Central."

"Because we have not seen that vacancy advertised as yet. There cannot be arbitrary removal of standard bearers. There cannot be arbitrary appointments of new standard bearers. There cannot be arbitrary removal of elected delegates to this party."

So, what next? They say they will have their own convention:

Tracy Panton, Alliance For Democracy
"The Alliance for Democracy will be making a public call for a special unity, UDP convention to be held on October 6 of 2024."

"This allows us the 30 -day notice that is required by the Constitution. The special convention will seek to do a few things. One, to look at the executive appointments to the party. Two, to pass a motion on the floor to recall the party leader and also a second motion that will seek to appoint an interim leader of the United Democratic Party until these matters can be straightened out at the subsequent convention to be held."

"We are members of the United Democratic Party. I finish where I started. We are not going anywhere."

Faber Says Chairman Is In The Way Literally And Figuratively

Well, they have already gone. According to a late evening release from the UDP secretariat, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party."

But, as you heard, they maintain that they are UDP's and now that they will even have a unity convention.

So, how do they get around the current UDP which is soundly controlled by Leader Shyne Barrow and Chairman Mike Peyrefitte?

Collet Area Rep Patrick Faber says that - from their perspective - the real problem in the UDP right now is an even bigger problem than the leader:

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"Then we need to fix how we vote as well in these meetings. There needs to be a clear guideline as to when it is we will use secret balloting because the leadership, the current leadership, is very spiteful."

"Remember they said that about me one time? Well, I tell you, this is new heights. Spiteful and vindictive find new meaning under this current leader. Gives some of the standard bearers a little small change every month. And the minute you don't vote the way he wants you to vote or you don't turn up in the meeting, threatens you and you know, in fact, we have seen now even removes you. And we can't get a decent vote because nobody will show up at the meeting or nobody will demonstrate that they are not with him because they fear what he will do."

"The party leader and the chairman, I have to say the chairman because in my view, you know, my feeling on this a long time ago, the chairman is an even bigger problem than the party leader. He is the greatest enabler and is the biggest problem, literally and figuratively - condones the party leader in his nonsense. You cannot just decide this standard bearer I don't like him."

Can Tracy Hold A Convention Without Chairman Mike P?

And while Faber can take digs at the Chairman - the fact is he still controls the UDP entity as it currently exists. So how can they even have a convention without a chairman - who presides over all conventions? Simple! They'll elect a new one:

Jules Vasquez
"So how would you all hope to have a unity convention without the chairman mainly?"

Tracy Panton, Alliance For Democracy
"I think I made it clear that the 528 delegates to the national convention are ultimately the gatekeepers, the decision makers, the trustees of the party."

"And those delegates who attend a national convention will then appoint an interim chairman to deal with the proceedings of that special convention."

Jules Vasquez
"Now, we are having what might be called like a parallel UDP, or alternate UDP, it seems to me. Because in the UDP that's headquartered on Youth for the Future Drive, you all are not UDPs anymore. You all have constructively. Yes, I understand. But they have the keys. So I'm saying, you know, what makes a UDP?"

"How are you all going to usurp that? They have literally the keys for the headquarters."

John Saldivar
"528 delegates will decide. That's it, OK."

Faber Furious At Shyne Stacking Standard Bearer Deck

If you didn't hear Saldivar, he said the 528 delegates will decide. Of course, they don't even agree with the current list of delegates recognized by the UDP secretariat.

And that's because the Barrow leadership has been removing and replacing standard bearers and their delegates literally like nobody's business.

And that's what Faber says is one of the biggest current problems with the party: the removal of standard bearers without proper procedure. He says it's something they simply cannot put up with anymore. He explained why.

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"And I want to be clear that it is not about individuals, we in their alliance, which is why this white paper is being introduced. It is about fixing the structures. It is about following proper processes."

"They go back to the case of Philip Willoughby. You can't just remove Philip Willoughby because you pay for the man ring, the man trick you into paying for his ring and your ego get hurt. You can't do that, cannot do it."

"You cannot remove Beverly Williams simply because she moved with like minds in another forum that condemned your actions. This is what is happening and they are completely wrong and the infractions go on."

"The biggest infractions in my view are the ones where they deny the members of the national convention who signed those petitions in the droves 200 plus members and then 232 in one instance and 208 in the other instance or thereabout."

"And then the party chairman just dismisses those people. Well, he will know the power of those delegates when October 6th come because, sorry if tell you Mr. Peyrefitte, you don't get to tell us, the majority of the delegates of this party, who is going to run this party."

Faber Takes Shot At "Unelectable" Colleagues

And - while he did try to be somewhat restrained - Faber fell right back into the familiar UDP style of taking digs at their own colleagues. He says that the Alliance cannot support a candidate who will not be able to deliver a victory. He claims that haphazardly handpicking candidates could cost them the election.

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"You can't just go hand pick somebody because you want to support you and that is the number one reason why the united democratic party is in trouble with the voters today because we have some of the weakest candidates."

"I'll give you a example, one in Fort George, one in Pickstock. I call name, I call the divisions. They can't win, but they are kept in position simply because they are yes sir to the party leader."

"That is wrong. That is wrong. We must have a proper way to select our candidates. It must be established. In fact, it is already established in the constitution how this ought to be done. Already established."

"We just need to follow the rules and as one person who read the white paper said to me it's not so much a matter of changing and putting in new stuff. It is a matter of enforcing what is there and whatever else you put in, make it enforceable."

Faber Says Shyne Didn't Deliver On Reform

And aside from being able to select and agree on which candidates they are in support of, Faber says that they should also have a right to change their minds in supporting a leader. He recalls when Barrow first won as party leader and later failed to uphold his commitment to party reform:

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"The same meeting that decided that they would have supported Shyne Barrow up to the next election and my colleagues who supported him, I don't hold it against them as my friend the Honorable Tracy Panton reminded you, we're got a right to change our mind and it, well they changed their mind. I have got my mind set long time, but they have a right to change their mind, but in that same National Party Council meeting there were two agreements made. One, was that we would proceed for that convention to properly amend the party's constitution for the many ambiguities that exist, but also to look at how we select the leader."

"If you go back to the record and you check what was said by Barrow immediately after winning, so called winning, because we all know that convention was stolen, the recount was denied, but if you check his remarks immediately after that convention the first thing he spewed out of his mouth is that we will reform the constitution of the party and to this day he has kicked that down the road, kicked it down the road, you don't even hear him talk about it anymore. That has got to be changed."

Alliance For Democracy Proposes A Way Forward

So where would they begin in terms of reforming their version of the UDP? Faber put forth a document titled "Reforming For The Future: A Vision For A Democratic And United UDP."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"It is a comprehensive strategy for reforming the UDP at a time when our party faces unprecedented internal challenges, challenges that threaten our ability to effectively represent the people of Belize."

"The Alliance for Democracy recognizes the urgent need for this change, and this document outlines our vision for that change, and it will focus on three main areas. The first is restoring our democratic processes."

"You've listened as the Honourable Panton outlined a number of infractions that have been dealt to members, but the wider party as well, by the current leader and leadership in general of the party. We've heard about the practices having to do with just haphazard decision -making."

Again, a release from the UDP this evening says, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party.

The application period to fill the vacancies for UDP Standard Bearers in the Albert, Belmopan, Belize Rural Central and Collet Constituencies closes September 6, 2024."


And while they have their white paper, and their letterhead - the Alliance For Democracy does not control the seating on the opposition bench. That is determined by the Leader of the Opposition - he is selected by a majority of the opposition members - and he then tells the Clerk how to assign their seating.

So, where will Tracy Panton and Patrick Faber now sit - since they have been renounced by the official UDP? We asked them today:

Jules Vasquez
"He will tell the clerk, these people are not UDPs. Uno go sit them wherever you put Mr. Marcel Cardona, which is at the back."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"But you see, you like to try to make these comparisons when Cardona was put. You are the opposition when you're not a part of the government, you know?"

Jules Vasquez

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"Cardona was a part of the government and the ruling party had it say, but why do you think that the Speaker will encourage the current leader?"

"And where will we be put other than right on the opposition benches?"

Jules Vasquez
"At the top? On the second bench, though?"

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"And we could still talk just as much and do what we want. In fact, it might as well. Sister, be at the front and it will not matter.

"Where you sit down clearly doesn't matter. We can still raise the kind of awareness against the wrongdoing of the government."

Jules Vasquez
"But you all will not be recognized as UDPs formally."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"That is his position. That would be his position. That does not make me, does not make Tracy any less of UDPs. In fact, we are telling you because many were hoping that this press conference would announce a breakaway that we are forming some third party."

"We are UDPs and we will not be taken out of our own party where we put blood, sweat and tears in."

Again, a release from the UDP this evening says, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party.

The application period to fill the vacancies for UDP Standard Bearers in the Albert, Belmopan, Belize Rural Central and Collet Constituencies closes September 6, 2024."

7 Year Old Recovering After Near Fatal Cycle Accident

Tonight 7-year-old Emily Molina is still recovering from a head injury after she and her father, 26-year-old Silas Molina, were in a motorcycle accident yesterday. You saw surveillance footage showing Molina trying to swerve away from a Nissan Rogue in his path, only for them to be hit by an oncoming Ford Panther.

As we told you, little Emily received a large cut wound to her head and was bleeding profusely. She was rushed to Universal Healthcare Partners in a private car, while an ambulance took her father to KHMH.

A notice of intended prosecution was issued to the driver of the Nissan Rogue, a 40 year old woman, while police continue to investigate.

Cop Among Those Charged For 8 Bricks Of Name Brand Cocaine

You may think that 20 pounds of cocaine in bricks labelled "Dolce and Gabanna" would be the top line news item - but tonight it's the fact that a police corporal was charged for trafficking it.

31 year old Police corporal, Enair Montalvo along with 7 family members were charged for trafficking the drugs.

Yesterday just after 4:00Pm police visited the Montalvo residence in Corozal and asked if anyone had any illegal items to declare.

That's when 22 year old Nadiel Montalvo told police that he has 8 parcels of Cocaine in his room.

Police then proceeded to arrest and charge all 7 persons in the home - including a 17 year old female minor for drug trafficking. During the search the corporal showed up stating it was his mother's premises and he wished to be there - even though he was warned that anything found would also be considered to be his.

So,the individuals arrested and charged is the woman of the house 57 year old Alicia Montalvo, 31 year old Corporal Enair Montalvo, 22 year old Nadiel Montalvo, Edney Montalvo, 30 year old Seidy Montalvo, 37 year old Abiel Montalvo, 37 year old Edney Montalvo, 36 year old Aida Cabanas and the 17 year old minor.

DV Cop Accused Of Battering Common Law

And, in the south, a cop has been charged for domestic abuse.

42-year-old police officer Gerson Jones is accused of punching his common-law wife, 21-year-old Ana Nunez. In the face - injuring her badly.

It happened in Bella Vista Village on Tuesday night. A medical officer classified her injuries as wounding.

Gerson Jones has been charged for wounding. He has since been placed on interdiction.

Education Min Says ACC Issue Was Misunderstanding

Since Monday we've been following the hairy situation at Anglican Cathedral College. Yesterday you heard from the Minister of State in the Ministry of Education - that their policy is that students cannot be arbitrarily removed from the classroom.

Today, the Minister, Francis Fonseca, told us that he believes in this case, it was a misunderstanding, since the principal is new. He said that it is being worked out through communication between MOE and the school's administration.

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education
"The Chief Education Officer immediately contacted the school principal, the administration to resolve that issue and as I've said over time, many times on the public record, the schools have the right to set certain rules and regulations and guidelines but certainly the length of your hair, the style of your hair is not one of them. So it is absolutely improper and in fact unlawful for any school to refuse a child entry into their school because of the style or length of their hair."

Courtney Menzies:
"In that case then it seems that there's a disconnect between these rule books in schools and the ministry's policy and the law, how do you rectify that?"

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education
"We have, again, these are resolved through discussions, engagements. In the case of ACC, there's a new administrator there, a new principal, and I think that may have contributed to some of the misunderstandings so no judgement on her, I think she's a very good principal and wants to act in good faith but sometimes we do have this conflict between the church and the state even though we are partners in education, sometimes they want to impose their standards and values on students. We support some of that in terms of reasonable guidelines but certainly as I've made very clear in this particular case, they should understand what the rule is."

Another Sarstoon Confrontation, FM Urges Diplomacy

And while the MOE is working it out with ACC, MOFA has its hands full with the GAF. You saw the Guatemalan Armed Forces vessel ram into the BTV's this past Saturday. This aggression occurred despite the PM and the FM's recent trip to Guatemala, where matters like the Sarstoon and the ICJ were discussed.

But today when we asked the Foreign Minister about it, he said that Belize has already gone through the diplomatic channels to report the incident. While some members of the public may disagree with this method, Fonseca said it's better not to act on emotions.

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"These are ongoing issues as you all know and as I've said, when these incidents occur there are two things that happen. One, the government of Belize, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs registers a very strong diplomatic protest note which is sent to the government of Guatemala, condemning the actions of the Guatemalan Armed Forces as well as, of course, reaffirming Belize's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We as well of course report the incident to the Organization of American States, this is apart of an agreement between Belize, Guatemala and the OAS that we report these types of incidents. The OAS then acts as a mediator. They carry out a verification exercise to determine exactly what happened, ehere it happened, and then they issue a report sent to both countries so both of those things have been done and again we absolutely of course state very clearly that our sovereignty and territorial integrity over a part of the Sarstoon River, that is absolutely clear, the median line of the Sarstoon River is long established as a point between Belize and Guatemala so anything north of that median line is Belizean waters so that's our very clear position."

"We've had very good discussions with the Guatemalan government on these issues. We are in a position of authority and with authority comes responsibility, responsibility for our citizens, responsibility for our soldiers, so we can't be emotional or erratic about these incidents, that's why we worked very hard over many years, successive governments, to put in place a very formal structure for responding to these incidents, for dealing with these incidents which I have just outlined for you. So our responsibility and duty is to make sure we do those things. And that's what we've done."

And in our interview with BTV's Wil Maheia, he pointed out that Belize was quick to suspend diplomatic ties with Israel because of its genocide of the Palestinian people, so why not take harsher actions against Guatemala? Here's Fonseca's response:

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"What more serious diplomatic stance? We have agreed, the people of Belize have voted for us to solve this issue through the international court of justice. We're pursuing that path to a peaceful resolution on this matter. No disrespect to Wil, I like Wil, Will has never been in authority, he has never held power, he has never had responsibility for making decisions on behalf of the Belizean people. We have that responsibility. I have that responsibility as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. And we will exercise that authority with absolutely competence, with absolute recognition and respect for the people of this country with their interest. So it's not about being emotional and beating your chest and going down there and pretending that you're big and bad. It's about doing the right thing. In the interest of Belize. We're pursuing a path as I said through the ICJ, we're committed to that process, we were in Guatemala recently where the Guatemalan government reiterated their commitment to peaceful resolution of this matter through the ICJ. As I've said, we had very good discussions with the Ministry of Defense, with the president of Guatemala on all of these issues so there's no need for any erratic decision on the part of Belize."

ICJ On The Horizon But Neighbors BZE And Guate Have More To Talk About

And while the Sarstoon and the GAF was one of the issues that the FM and the PM discussed with the Guatemalan president, they also spoke about the current territorial claim before the ICJ. While a decision on the case won't be forthcoming in the near term, Fonseca said there were pressing matters that needed to be resolved even before that. He explained more today.

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs
"We discuss the whole issue of the process that's taking place, the timeline and our commitment which is very very important. It's very important that every time we meet we discuss our shared commitment to accepting the decision, respecting that decision and of course there is follow -up work once the decision has been made in terms of the boundaries and delimited all of those issues."

"So there are critical issues that we need to discuss but we always use the opportunity as well to make the point that there are certain issues on the ground like the Sarstoon, the deforestation, the cattle ranching that's taking place in Belize."

"We always make the point that we can't wait for the decision of the ICJ to resolve these issues and so we need to work together to establish mechanisms, if you like, protocols if you like, that will help us to deal with these very important issues."

Almost There With Partial Scope

And while Fonseca and Briceno were recently in Guatemala, back in June, they visited El Salvador and met with President Nayib Bukele. At that time, the two countries had finished the second round of negotiations on the partial scope agreement. Today Fonseca said that it's been a couple weeks since the third round has been completed.

125M USD Grant For Education And Energy, How Will It Be Deployed?

And while Belize continues to strengthen diplomatic relations with its neighbors, it will also be collaborating with the United States to enhance the education and energy sectors. Today, the 125 million US dollar grant agreement was finally signed between the government of Belize and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. We've been hearing about this grant for a while, and it has caused a lot of skepticism and concern. But following the signing ceremony, there was a press conference - the PM's second in four years - where some of these questions were answered. Courtney Menzies was there and has this story.

After two years of working with the US development agency, the Millennium Challenge Cooperation, today the government of Belize finally signed a 5-year grant agreement for 125 million US dollars.

It's one of the largest grants Belize has ever received, and according to Prime Minister John Briceno, it took a lot of deliberation to determine where the funds should be used:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Over the past two years our teams have engaged in rigorous research and development to determine the initiatives that would have the highest impact for our country and our citizens. We have conducted feasibility studies and engaged extensively with stakeholders from both the public and private sector to ensure that our approach is not only comprehensive but also broad. after in-depth examinations, we determined that education and energy would be the two sectors of focus under this compact."

The end goal of the grant will be to increase the number of post-primary graduates and to decrease the cost of electricity in Belize. MCC's CEO Alice Albright explained their plans to achieve this.

Alice Albright, CEO, MCC
"By investing 74 million of the compact in the education part of it, we call the education project, we open up so many opportunities to bring relevant labor market skills to post primary graduates. So how are we going to do it? We're going to fundamentally reshape, working together, teaching and learning and secondary education, we're going to improve access and we're going to enhance the quality and the relevance of technical and vocational training so that the youth of Belize will be prepared, I should say, for the rest of the 21st century."

"The energy project will total 21 million dollars and will support expansion plans for utility scale renewable energy while maintaining the stability of the grid. This will accommodate the supply of power without compromising the reliability and power quality. A particular exciting part of this project is the use of what we call blended finance which is bringing together different types of financing to catalyze what we hope will be another 50 million dollar of private sector investments in the energy sector. We are confident when all is said and done this project will result in another 50 megawatts of new power purchase agreements for low cost renewable generation."

And while this plan sounds good on paper, it has some members of the public skeptical. The main question being asked is what will the US get in return - after all, 250 million Belize dollars is no small amount. The PM assured Belizeans that there is no under the table deal.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"There's no hidden agenda with this agreement. It's open, it's transparent and we have not signed any secret agreement with the United States government to be able to get this compact. It's just, we have met, we qualified for it and we're very proud, as what Albright said earlier, we're the only one in the region that's qualified and it speaks volumes to our government and to our country."

Alice Albright, CEO, MCC
"We have an eligibility framework at MCC that guides us in the decision of which country we choose to work with and its really our board of directors and leading up to December 2021, Belize was considered eligible to work with MCC and our board of directors chose to work with Belize on that basis. And so that was really the origin of the decision. We have signed an agreement and the agreement includes a number of details about the nature of the work that we will be in partnership with the government of Belize on. Part of it is on education, part of it is on energy, and there are mutual expectations of both partners but they are really surrounding the project that is at hand."

And Albright also outlined what the oversight will look like for this project:

Alice Albright, CEO, MCC
"The contours and the details and the parameters of the compact have been determined together working with the government and that forms the large majority of what is in the compact document so those documents are available. We work and this is something that is very unique about how MCC works is we then have a very close working relationship between the agency in Washington, the one or two people who will posted here and then the entity that will be set up and that team will then work on implementing the agreement and there are various guidelines and parameters that all MCC grants needs to observe and how certain aspects of administration, of implementation, of procurement and so forth are handled but the oversight and implementation will be very much a joint effort, a joint partnership between our folks in Washington and the entity that will be set up here."

And the US Ambassador emphasized that this project advances l the interest of Belizeans:

Michelle Kwan, US Ambassador To Belize
"Most of the work to implement this work on the ground will be done by Belizeans for Belizeans. And after all the lasting impacts of this agreement will be felt on Albert Street, not on Wall Street."

The implementation of this project is expected to commence in 2025.

We should note that questions in the press conference were confined only to the MCC grant.

Celebrating Belize's Finest Creatives

"Belize' Sees You, Belize Hears You, Belize Respects You, Belize is proud of you." That was the message behind this year's Creative And Cultural excellence awards that took place this afternoon.

7 Belizean stalwarts, creatives and contributors to culture and art within their communities were recognized for their commitment to creativity and both preserving culture and heritage - while also expanding its boundaries. Here are the highlights from today's ceremony.

Rain Couldn't Stop The Mas Camp Jam

And while that is Culture with a capital "C", the other kind of culture - carnival culture - may not have uppercase status - but it brings the high voltage energy for the streets.

And so it was last night as the media tour of the Man Camps continued - even through the rain.

Our Clifford Mejia got to experience the sound and the fury of four camps close up:

The mas camp madness continues tonight and our team is out there putting together another report.

MOE Working With Teachers To Renew Licenses

Just before the start of the school year, teachers had complained about their mandated 120 hours of "Continuous Professional Development". One prominent teacher even resigned, rather than lose his license after 27 years in the profession.

And last week, the CEO in the Ministry of Education said about 3% of teachers whose licenses needed renewing hadn't submitted their applications yet.

Today we got an update from the minister.

Sir Sonny Passes, He Tried To Solve BZE-Guat Differendum

And finally tonight we note the passing of a regional giant, the Guyanese Diplomat Shridath Sonny Ramphal - who died on August 30th, aged 95. The former Secretary General of the Commonwealth made his name in Belize when he was Belize's facilitator in the Ramphal Reichler proposals. These were proposed to settle the Belize Guatemala territorial dispute.

Here is a brief clip of him presenting it at the Radisson in 2002 - to the sound of both applause and cat calls:

Sir Shridath Ramphal, Belize's Facilitator
"Guatemala recognizes Belize's land boundary based on the 1859 treaty line."

"Belize's borders as defined and described in its Independence construction, are intact and secure."

"All three countries will join in establishing an ecological marine park including some of the Belize Cayes and part of the coastal area of Guatemala and of Honduras."

The Ramphal-Reichler proposals were later rejected by Guatemala - and this led to both parties going to the ICJ.

Of course, the failed proposals were only a footnote on Sir Sonny's world-beating resume where he was a major international presence and was known by Kings and Queens, Prime Ministers and Presidents - as the Guardian UK put it, "for his genial, outgoing personality and great intellectual capacity, and a genuine global vision."

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