7 News Belize
7 News Belize Headlines
Man Dies After Four Days Of Detention, Family Blames Police
A family in Belmopan is left devastated, distraught, and disturbed after they claim their loved one received life threatening injuries while in police detention. 26-year-old Daniel Cal spent 4 days locked up at the Belmopan Station, but by the time his mother and sister finally saw him, he was barely alive, with bruises over his body...
Murder Victim Cremated, His Mother Never Got To See His Face
Many questions linger about the still unsolved murder of Dornell Talbert, and tonight, his family has questions as to how he was accidentally cremated...
Munnings Takes Responsibility For Morgue Mixup, But Blames Subcontractor
And the man at the center of the fury is Andrew Munnnings of Munnings Funeral Services. The family hired him to handle their loved ones funeral only to find out that instead of taking the body to the morgue for a post mortem - his subcontractor went and cremated it!....
A Brick Off Bus Terminal Roof Tumbles, Injuring Pedestrian
The Belize City Bus Terminal - it's simultaneously one of the most run down public facilities, while also being one of the most heavily trafficked. And add to that, it's on West Collet Canal - one of the busiest sidewalks in the city...
Another Shortage Of License Plates
And from a broken bus terminal to a broken licensing system. That's because there is a chronic shortage of license plates and license stickers. This isn't the first time that the Transport Department has run out of these crucial items...
Rodwell Loses 3rd CEO, Said He Wanted To Be A Teacher
And another internal issue the minister keeps having is that of his CEO's leaving. Gilroy Middleton was his third CEO and last month, he resigned. While the two previous CEO's, Marconi Leal Jr and Adele Catzim were transferred to other ministries, Ferguson told us today that Middleton decided to return to teaching...
E-Buses Hitting Highways In Two Months
And while he waits on a new CEO, he is currently working on getting electric buses on the highways. The e-buses in the city seem to be a big hit, and in a couple of months, there will be some heading north and west of the country.
Driver Charged For 19 Year Old Cycle Accident Victim
19 year old Tamisha Jeal was killed on September 8th in a motorcycle accident in Santa Elena town. She was the passenger on the bike when it collided with a pickup at the Corner of George Price Highway and Carillo Puerto Avenue. Well, police have now charged the driver of that pickup...
A New Teacher For More Tomorrow School
And in other news, yesterday we took you to More Tomorrow Government School where 40 students were being taught by one principal. Dominina Pop was worried that she may have to dismiss some of the classes because she simply could not handle all 8 grades on her own. After the story aired, retired teachers reached out to our newsroom willing to offer their support. And tonight, the Ministry's CEO told us that they were able to place another teacher at the school today...
After 54 Years, National Assembly Being Renovated
And while the More Tomorrow Road is getting a facelift, so is the National Assembly. Plans have been put in place since May to renovate it for the first time in 54 years. But that work will take a year, and in the meantime House and Senate Meetings will have to continue. So, starting tomorrow, they will be temporarily held at the George Price Center For Peace and Development...
Speaker Says Threshold Wasn't Met To Remove Tracy And Patrick
And ahead of what will no doubt be an explosive House Meeting, the Speaker received a letter from the Leader of the Opposition, essentially asking that she remove Patrick Faber and Tracy Panton from parliament since he deems them as having "constructively resigned" from his party...
Correction On Ladonna John
And before we go to break, a correction to a story we ran some days ago. In a story about voters list objections on September third, we wrongly stated that Magistrate La Donna John had presided over the hearing. That was inaccurate. Former Magistrate John is no longer on the bench - and has not been since 2020. The matter was heard by Magistrate Kara Walters, not La Donna John...
BTB Donates Garbage Trucks To Key Tourist Destinations
Today five communities received garbage trucks courtesy of the Belize Tourism Board. Four of these are Belize's top destinations, and the fifth is the Capital City. It's BTB's way of promoting civic pride and ensuring that both locals and tourists have a clean and healthy community...
BMP Mayor Says No Celebrations Better Than Pilinki Parade
And while Belmopan will see cleaner streets, will they be seeing tenth of September celebrations next year? The Mayor came under a bit of fire after saying that he believes the tenth belongs to the cayes and the city...
Another Setback For BEL With San Pedro Gas Turbine
Remember the Gas Turbine out at San Pedro that was supposed to have been operational from early June? Well it still isn't online, but the news tonight is that the plant has been successfully commissioned. A please says it was successfully commissioned and load tested up to its rated capacity of 21 MW last week Thursday. But, the gas turbine is still currently "unavailable to supply power into the grid because of the failure - for a second time - of one of the three transformers that is needed to connect it to the grid...
Jaguars Showing Out In Nation's Cup Group
They made Belize proud, and played their hearts out at this year's 2024 CONCACAF Nations League games in Turks and Caicos, emerging with their second win in the tournament...
Call Center Recruiting Inside Lake I
They have a seemingly endless appetite for labour and the Ready Call Center was recruiting in Lake I today. And rather than wait for job prospects to show up they went into Swift Hall looking for them...


7 News Belize - News:
Important Note: This Internet version of 7 News is a verbatum transcript of our evening television news script. Many interviews on our newscast are conducted in Creole. In the interest of clarity for our foreign readers, we attempt to paraphrase the Creole quotes in English

Man Dies After Four Days Of Detention, Family Blames Police

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

A family in Belmopan is left devastated, distraught, and disturbed after they claim their loved one received life threatening injuries while in police detention. 26-year-old Daniel Cal spent 4 days locked up at the Belmopan Station, but by the time his mother and sister finally saw him, he was barely alive, with bruises over his body and stitches in his head.

They say the officers repeatedly told them he was okay, and refused to let them see him until it was too late. And while they got him to the hospital on Tuesday night, he passed away this morning.

It's a tragedy that they cannot fathom since they believed that the police failed in their duty of care while he was in their custody. Courtney Menzies met them outside the Western Regional Hospital shortly after Cal's passing. Here is her story - but we warn you that our story does contain some intense images of his injuries - which the family asked us to use - but which may be too much for sensitive viewers.

On Friday night, 26-year-old Daniel Cal was detained by police. Almost one week later, at around 10 this morning, he passed away in the hospital after spending 4 days in police custody.

During that time, his family spoke to him once over the phone, but did not see him at all. It wasn't until Tuesday that they found him almost unconscious on the floor of the cellblock.

They believe he was beaten by officers in the cell and left for dead. His sister said she became suspicious from Sunday when they wouldn't allow her to see him.

Rosalina Teul, Sister of Deceased
"We didn't hear anything from him that he was detained nothing until we found, I think he borrowed a phone to call my ma and he was good. I need clothes, I'm going to court, he said. I took the clothes Sunday night to the Belmopan station. On arrival I spoke to a police officer, I asked them, I want to leave my brother's clothes. He said, okay."

"I went to buy an electrolytes and a water because I don't know if he's eating or what but I want to make sure his body is hydrated. I came back to leave the water and it's like that I asked the police man if I can talk to him, he said, no he's alright where he is. That is what I remember that PC tell me and I remember it clearly."

"We already had an instinct that something was going on. My mom already catch the police beating him in custody."

Cal was supposed to go to court on Monday, but that never happened. Since Tuesday was a holiday, they decided to go visit him. And that's when they were met with a disturbing, heartbreaking sight.

Rosalina Teul, Sister of Deceased
"They open the thing, they told us to tend to him. They open the cage, the cellblock. My brother was by himself, naked. My brother was already looked like he was gone, I didn't want to put in my head why he was on the ground lying down all covered in his feces and stuff like that. Stink stink. They even said, put on two masks for that, nobody wants to go into the cellblock. We, me and my ma, we lift up brother, we went to buy soap, I didn't expect to that extent. And we said why didn't you tell us? You know us, why didn't you tell us?"

"We get the soap, we bathe my brother, but my brother couldn't move, he can't get up. They ended up calling the ambulance, ambulance came for my brother. All of my brother's hands were cold and grey. His eyes were sunken, his eyes were thick with matter. That's how we found my brother, and we thought police was supposed to keep an eye on him, nobody cares."

They noticed the injuries on him and called the ambulance - but the stark reality hit them that if they hadn't visited that night, he might have died in that cell.

Rosalina Teul, Sister of Deceased
"We call the ambulance, from there we come here. When we came here, we notice the sheet that he was lying on was bloody. When my ma check his head, he had a big patch on his head. Police didn't tell us he burst his head or why they didn't tell us at the beginning, why. He had about six stitches if I'm not mistaken in his head. Nobody told us that. His face was bruised, his leg, he couldn't get up."

"Nobody cared, nobody told us anything, if we didn't go, we wouldn't have encountered my brother."

Teul says no matter what her brother did in the past, he didn't deserve the death he got.

Rosalina Teul, Sister of Deceased
"I know my brother was a troublemaker but my brother didn't touch anybody for no reason. I can't say he's innocent, only God knows, only God can judge. But I know my brother, he was a respectful young man, he didn't touch anybody. He wasn't drinking, they can't say he was drunk, he wasn't drinking."

And now, the Teul family is starting the difficult grieving process, but after they bury Cal, they say they will be taking legal action.

Cal left behind a 5 year old son.

We did reach out to the Commissioner of Police Chester Williams for comment. He is on duty leave - but referred us to the acting Commissioner, Bart Jones. Up to news time we had not gotten his comment.

Murder Victim Cremated, His Mother Never Got To See His Face

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

Many questions linger about the still unsolved murder of Dornell Talbert, and tonight, his family has questions as to how he was accidentally cremated.

As the family continues to make preparations for his funeral, the 26 year old's mother spoke with us about their great misfortune in laying their loved one to rest.

I headed to Double Head Cabbage this morning and here's what we found out.

This is the grave that the Talbert family had prepared to lay their loved one, 26 year old Dornell Talbert to rest after he was shot and killed Saturday evening while heading home en route to Double Head Cabbage. His mother who arrived in the country yesterday says that upon receiving the news that her 1 of 5 sons had passed away, all she wanted was to see him. But on top of her grief, she was informed that he had been mistakenly cremated by the funeral home.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Saturday morning, the Saturday morning around 8:30. I talked to him. He was very happy and I think it is a blessing that I got to talk to him that Saturday because it was the last time I saw him even though it was on the phone. It was the last time I ever got to see my son alive because with all this now I came to bury my son and now they gave me an urn with ashes."

"And with all this happening, I don't know how I will even get closure from my son now without a body."

Talbert says that they gave the funeral home clear instructions in relation to Darnell's burial, but somewhere along the line some form of miscommunication occurred at their end.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Funeral preparation started from like Sunday and when I arrived yesterday afternoon, I knew that my son never went back to the morgue when he left Monday for the autopsy. He did not go back to the morgue. I knew that since yesterday."

"And you guys as a family, you gave them specific instructions as to what you had wanted?"

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"Yes, it was clear. No mistake. Nothing we were on page until yesterday. Then I knew different that they cremated my son. They are saying it is an error, mistake."

"How could it be a mistake when there is a protocol? You need paper you need a family member, you need whatever they do when they do a cremation of a body sort of family member. You know you can't do that. I mean, it is hard to understand something like that just happen."

"I dealt with Mr Munnings, Mr Andrew and he called me and told me it was a bad mixup that they burned my son's body. He did not give permission, he says. But the guy overheard something about cremation. And he cremated him."

Talbert says that they will proceed with his burial, just not how they had imagined. And now this mother is left to grieve her child, without being able to see his face again.

Stephanie Talbert, Mother of decease
"I've never felt or seen something like this in my life before. There are so many questions and answers. There's just a whole lot of questions and no answers. I Need answers, I need closure."

"I mean what are we going to do with this now we still have to finish it we are going to finish it we are just going to put the urn in this big empty space. It's just so hard I mean how could such a thing happen. He died already, that's harsh enough. Now to know that I can't get to see him? They burned him? How much of a coincidence is that? I mean there are more questions than answers. I don't know how or when or I just don't even know."

Munnings Takes Responsibility For Morgue Mixup, But Blames Subcontractor

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And the man at the center of the fury is Andrew Munnnings of Munnings Funeral Services.

The family hired him to handle their loved ones funeral only to find out that instead of taking the body to the morgue for a post mortem - his subcontractor went and cremated it!

If you're in the undertaking business, that's as bad as it gets -and while Munnings accepts responsibility - he blames it on his subcontractor - who is also an undertaker operating out of Orange Walk. He told us about the exchange he had with the subcontractor yesterday:

Andrew Munnings, Munnings Funeral Home
"When he told me that Mr Talbert was cremated, I,I am like, but, what, what miscommunication could that have been. I called you to cancel a cremation but I also told you we also have a body to pick up. Even so before cremations happen there must be certain authorizations signed. Which means you be in hand with a death certificate which you did not have, you must be in hand with the social card of the deceased person and of the family member giving you full authorization to carry out that cremation, and you must also be in hand of an authorization with my signature, his mother's signature and witness signature. None of those three documents was in hand, at no point."

"And even if you say that it's a miscommunication, you own a funeral home, would you then just cremate a body without any proper documentation - even if you are telling me "ok, I misheard it, I kinda get something confused."Would you say, "ok, even if I get it confused I won't cremate someone without getting the3 proper authorization. Wouldn't you ask me then can I get the detach certificate and the full authorization form?"

"In that moment I did not know what to do. The best thing I could have said, I can render the best that I can to make this process be a little more, I want to use the word, easier. Because how I feel definitely is not compared to how the family feels."

"My only way forward now is to see how I can be of service to the family to transition he text way that we can through this one."

"When it comes to apologies, in all honesty, I don't even think that there's any words in this world that can cover for me of insurance to that family. Even if I offer anything to that family, that wouldn't be enough. Because the thing is you came from the states and you wanted to plan a funeral service for your son, you had your goals, you had your plans. Family members wanted to bid their final farewell, soh now you're home back and you, you have an urn, you know so what really can we say? The best thing that I can do going forward is guarantee the family that I am her sin whatever, and though whatever they need me through."

The family has completely withdrawn all funeral arrangements from Munnings Funeral Services.

Munnings says he has cut ties with the subcontractor.

A Brick Off Bus Terminal Roof Tumbles, Injuring Pedestrian

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

The Belize City Bus Terminal - it's simultaneously one of the most run down public facilities, while also being one of the most heavily trafficked. And add to that, it's on West Collet Canal - one of the busiest sidewalks in the city.

So, there's a whole lot of foot traffic, and today, when a piece of cement on the roof simply fell off, it crashed down to the awning overlooking the sidewalk and rolled right off that, onto the chest of a pedestrian.

Eyewitnesses told us she suffered a significant shoulder injury - but even so, she's lucky it didn't land on her head!

Here's how one eyewitness put it:

Thomas Garcia, Witness
"Seems to be like this piece of rock. Well, I don't know what to call it, but he just let go from the side of the building and drop and bounce. Then it suppose to bounce on the lady here and the next lady suppose to, the same rock hurt the other lady. One of the lady was a vendor and the other lady was you know waiting on somebody."

"Could you describe to us you know the reaction from the leaders when the cement or the rock or whatever fell on them."

Thomas Garcia, Witness
"Well the lady just scream and I mean you know what if a block dropped on your shoulder here and you're done edgible already? Yeah. So with that force, with that force that that rock drop, well that's it. So the poor lady... Well up to now like I said, I don't know what happened afterwards that they take them to the hospital."

Another Shortage Of License Plates

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And from a broken bus terminal to a broken licensing system. That's because there is a chronic shortage of license plates and license stickers. This isn't the first time that the Transport Department has run out of these crucial items - in fact, it's become more of a norm lately. But in August, the department received a new supply of plates and stickers. That was less than a month ago and they're all finished. So, once again the department has waited too long to order a new shipment. Today Minister Ferguson said it's an internal problem that he's working out.

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"As the minister responsible, I guess the buck stops at me. But ever since I been my staff we must get our act together. Put a database in place and asking them for the last year let us have a minimum reorder level and a maximum reorder so we know when we reach 200 it's time to reorder. Right now, I believe we are getting to that milestone And hopefully after September."

"There should be no more issues with license plates. As those first set came in, they went and I want to applaud the Belizean people that they want to do things the legal way and they come and demand a license plate and come and demand their sticker. But we are now almost over the hump and we should be able to come back on the street."

"Why has it taken this long?"

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"I will say that it's internal, and I hope that I have it fixed now."

Rodwell Loses 3rd CEO, Said He Wanted To Be A Teacher

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And another internal issue the minister keeps having is that of his CEO's leaving. Gilroy Middleton was his third CEO and last month, he resigned. While the two previous CEO's, Marconi Leal Jr and Adele Catzim were transferred to other ministries, Ferguson told us today that Middleton decided to return to teaching.

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"People decide if they want to stay at a particular job, or they want to move on. Before the CEO left we had a very good relationship, he said Minister I think my passion is in teaching and I want to go back into the classroom and he went back to the classroom."

"And do you know who will replace him?"

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"At the moment I have one person working temporary until the Prime Minister decides to bring in a CEO"

E-Buses Hitting Highways In Two Months

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And while he waits on a new CEO, he is currently working on getting electric buses on the highways. The e-buses in the city seem to be a big hit, and in a couple of months, there will be some heading north and west of the country. Today he explained that the current bus companies were given the opportunity to apply to be the operators of the electric buses.

We note that the request for proposals to operate these buses which was made public yesterday at 1:20 pm - expired less than four hours later at 5:00 pm that same day.

Driver Charged For 19 Year Old Cycle Accident Victim

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

19 year old Tamisha Jeal was killed on September 8th in a motorcycle accident in Santa Elena town. She was the passenger on the bike when it collided with a pickup at the Corner of George Price Highway and Carillo Puerto Avenue. Well, police have now charged the driver of that pickup. He is 57 year old Simeon Herrera, and he faces a slaw of charges, namely: Manslaughter by Negligence Causing Death by Careless Conduct, Failed to give way when changing direction and Driving a Motor Vehicle Without Due Care and Attention and Driving Without A Valid Drivers License.

For his part Herrera says the cycle came out of nowhere at speed, so fast that he did not see it coming.

A New Teacher For More Tomorrow School

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And in other news, yesterday we took you to More Tomorrow Government School where 40 students were being taught by one principal. Dominina Pop was worried that she may have to dismiss some of the classes because she simply could not handle all 8 grades on her own.

After the story aired, retired teachers reached out to our newsroom willing to offer their support. And tonight, the Ministry's CEO told us that they were able to place another teacher at the school today, and that teacher will remain for the rest of the school year.

Additionally, they are also working with MIDH to fill up the potholes in the second road. The first road through Cotton Tree is in better condition.

After 54 Years, National Assembly Being Renovated

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And while the More Tomorrow Road is getting a facelift, so is the National Assembly. Plans have been put in place since May to renovate it for the first time in 54 years. But that work will take a year, and in the meantime House and Senate Meetings will have to continue. So, starting tomorrow, they will be temporarily held at the George Price Center For Peace and Development. The space was upgraded to replicate - as much as possible - the House chambers, and today the media got a tour ahead of tomorrow's meeting. The Speaker explained that the National Assembly will be renovated to be more modern and accessible.

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"There is an urgent need for renovation. And in addition to that, to make it contemporary, modern and also accessible. If you recall earlier this year, not too long ago, there was a passage of the disabilities bill which which was made into law. And that was a very clear and glaring example that our legislature, even though it speaks to the House of Representatives and it is the People's House of Representatives, is simply not accessible."

"It is not accessible by members of the public who have mobility issues and quite frankly, by members of Parliament as well as staff and may have mobility issues and and media as well. So that was also an urgent need to do that. It fosters inclusion as well. Having assessed the building, the technical personnel, the engineers, there's a major issue with the roof of the National Assembly, which again hasn't been attended to for all these decades."

"So for all these reasons there was a need. So we looked around Belmopan to see where we could temporarily relocate and the George Price, Center for Peace and Development was one of the options and the one that stood out. So we worked with the board of the George Price Center for Peace and Development, and thanks to their accommodation and to the excellent work of the engineers architects over at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and Housing, we are now able to hold a House meeting that will House and of course, Senate meetings afterwards that will be in a chamber that replicates that of the legislature is functional."

"As for standing orders, the sacrifice we had to make is we don't have public gallery. So that will take on a case by case basis. And the only option, quite frankly, to have persons present for the public gallery would be housing them under a tent outside with a big screen. But we're we're taking this on a case by case basis."

"The House meeting tomorrow is our first real test run. And the timeline for when we return, you said is a year. So what can we expect the National Assembly will look like in that year?"

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"Improved, modern, contemporary, accessible. There should be no leaky roofs. The acoustics should be better. We are actually contemplating a possible solar project with the government of India who has offered so graciously."

"But we are in the early stages of discussion for that."

The meeting will still be livestreamed and you can see it on Channel 7.

Speaker Says Threshold Wasn't Met To Remove Tracy And Patrick

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And ahead of what will no doubt be an explosive House Meeting, the Speaker received a letter from the Leader of the Opposition, essentially asking that she remove Patrick Faber and Tracy Panton from parliament since he deems them as having "constructively resigned" from his party.

As we told you yesterday, that request was denied. Woods explained that the threshold for their removal was not met since the elected officials had not put in their resignation to the party. However, it's not the first time we've heard about "constructive resignation" so we asked her if this term actually exists. Here's what she told us.

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"The request that was made was to invoke, if you will, section 59 three, 59 a3 of the Constitution, which is to have the speaker make a declaration that a member or members have so vacated and are no longer members of the House. That requires a certain threshold to be met. The threshold was not met as per the Constitution."

"So I responded and I laid it out based on the sections that the Leader of Opposition cited, why the threshold was not met, and therefore no such declaration will be made at the House. I have received no resignation that has been tendered to any of the party leaders regarding any of their members having resigned. A careful look at the Constitution, particularly at the sections cited, will demonstrate that the threshold has not been met, The criteria has not been met, and therefore I cannot."

"The Speaker is not in a position to make any such declaration."

"This idea of constructively resigned based on your knowledge of the Constitution. Does this actually exist? Is this a legitimate term?"

Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
"The terminology used constructively resign does not appear anywhere in the Constitution, but more importantly, what appears in the Constitution under the sections cited that would be the 59. What appears there is a very clear indication of how one a member makes an announcement or pronouncement or a notification of his or her resignation. And that has not occurred."

Correction On Ladonna John

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And before we go to break, a correction to a story we ran some days ago. In a story about voters list objections on September third, we wrongly stated that Magistrate La Donna John had presided over the hearing. That was inaccurate. Former Magistrate John is no longer on the bench - and has not been since 2020. The matter was heard by Magistrate Kara Walters, not La Donna John. Our apologies to Ms John who is now at the Financial Services Commission.

BTB Donates Garbage Trucks To Key Tourist Destinations

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

Today five communities received garbage trucks courtesy of the Belize Tourism Board. Four of these are Belize's top destinations, and the fifth is the Capital City. It's BTB's way of promoting civic pride and ensuring that both locals and tourists have a clean and healthy community. Courtney Menzies was at the handing over ceremony today and has this story.

Belize will be a little bit cleaner after the BTB donated five garbage compactors to two municipalities and three villages in the west and south. These communities—four of which are the country's most popular tourist destinations—were in need of new trucks. The Minister of Tourism, Anthony Mahler, explained that visitors cite garbage as a major "ick":

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism
"For us at the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations and at the BTB, the issue of garbage has always been at the forefront. We have led the charge with MIDH and other members and other entities to try to keep Belize clean. In fact, there's a thing called VEMS, the visitor expenditure and motivational survey that I used to do many years ago when I was at BTB, and one of the many issues that come up under the VEMS is the issue of garbage all over the place."

"We have been blessed with wealth untold by God. If you show me another piece of real estate as small as Belize that has the assets and the cultural diversity, you'll be lucky to find one even close. So this is part of our commitment to ensuring that we have a cleaner Belize for all of us to enjoy, for it to be enjoyed by our guests, experienced by our guests, and we will continue to do our part."

Both the southern destinations—Hopkins and Placencia—as well as the two cayes—Caye Caulker and Ambergris—received their own trucks. The area representatives of these respective communities explained that the trucks couldn't come a day sooner since they've been having garbage issues.

Rodwell Ferguson, Area Rep., Stann Creek West
"I have two villages that benefited today, Hopkins and Placencia; they're the two fastest-growing tourist destinations. This by itself will be a precedent that is being set to make sure it reaches all the destinations across the country because tourism is dollars. 48% of our revenue of this country comes from tourism so I really appreciate this. My chairman, my village councils, they are happy because Placencia in particular, their truck was down for the last six or seven months. I had to sit down with Seine Bight and tell them how they can cooperate to make sure that Placencia's garbage is taken out. Hopkins used to take out garbage in a small little open-back truck; now this is very closed up, it looks more presentable when it passes through the village."

Andre Perez, Area Rep., Belize Rural South
"We have been long waiting for this; it was a promise made by our Minister of Tourism and Diaspora, and he made good on his promise by donating these trucks. But beyond San Pedro and Caye Caulker, I'm so happy for all those coastal tourist places and villages that are a part of it. It is a big win, including Belmopan, and it's going to make a big difference. It's a beautiful day today."

And Belmopan residents will soon see more garbage days, alleviating the collection of trash overtaking even the main streets.

Pablo Cawich, Mayor of Belmopan City
"When we took over the council in March, there were three compactors. Two of them break down every week or other week, so there's literally only one that is usually in service, and that would have to service the entire city. On occasions like that, we would try to rent a dump truck as an additional vehicle, so having a new compactor would definitely assist us in ensuring that we can maintain the city properly."

"This is the first of three compactors that we're getting. We are also awaiting two additional almost identical compactors that are coming in, and with those four fully functional compactors, we will be able to service the city completely. We will also expand the services to the periphery to have two-day pickups because presently only the central area of Belmopan and some of the north area receive two-day pickups. All other areas are once a week, and we want to offer the same service to the entire city."

BMP Mayor Says No Celebrations Better Than Pilinki Parade

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

And while Belmopan will see cleaner streets, will they be seeing tenth of September celebrations next year? The Mayor came under a bit of fire after saying that he believes the tenth belongs to the cayes and the city, so their council hadn't planned anything. Belmopan residents were disappointed, and some opposition members said that he should retract his statement. But he says that's not going to happen.

Another Setback For BEL With San Pedro Gas Turbine

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

Remember the Gas Turbine out at San Pedro that was supposed to have been operational from early June? Well it still isn't online, but the news tonight is that the plant has been successfully commissioned.

A please says it was successfully commissioned and load tested up to its rated capacity of 21 MW last week Thursday.

But, the gas turbine is still currently "unavailable to supply power into the grid because of the failure - for a second time - of one of the three transformers that is needed to connect it to the grid."

Yes, you heard it right - it failed for a second time. BEL explains that one of the transformers failed early on during the commissioning process- and finding a replacement proved time consuming. That didn't arrive until the first week of August, and it was commissioned in mid August. But the replacement transformer failed on this past Saturday.

It's still under warranty and now the company is working on finding and installing another replacement transformer. That should be finished by the end of the year.

By then the high season will already be in full swing which will cause power demand to soar, and today's release says "we continue to monitor the power demand in San Pedro and will implement our contingency plan to protect the single submarine cable interconnection to the island if necessary."

Jaguars Showing Out In Nation's Cup Group

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

They made Belize proud, and played their hearts out at this year's 2024 CONCACAF Nations League games in Turks and Caicos, emerging with their second win in the tournament. p> But the Belize Jaguars male senior team returned home looking ahead to what they can win next. I was at the airport:

After ten days in Turks and Caicos, the Belize senior men's national football team, a contingent of 32, 23 of them players dominated against Turks and Caicos and Anguilla in this year's 2024 CONCACAF National League. The head coach of the team says, though they only had less than a month to prepare, he was impressed with the team's performance.

Carlos Slusher, Head Coach,Belize National Senior Men's Team
"When we were participating in the CONCACAF Nations League for 2024, we were in Turks and Caicos Islands playing a basically like a little triangle with Turks and Caicos. The first game that we won, four nil and we played against Anguilla. The second game we won one nill. So we won both of our two games, which is, you know, something great for us."

"I have to be impressed in the context of the amount of time we had to to train, as well as the knowing that maybe there was only one starting eleven from the from the former national team. So this is a this was a new, new group and within a period of three weeks we had with a new group."

"And the way we perform, I as a coach have to be satisfied. But I know that at the same time we have a lot of work to do so that we can become better."

And now that they are back in the country, they only have a few more weeks to bring the heat again. When Anguilla and Turks and Caicos arrive in October for the return match, Slusher says he is confident they will prevail again.

Carlos Slusher, Head Coach,Belize National Senior Men's Team
"We actually will play against the same two teams here in Belize on the 9th of October, on the 15 October in Belgium open at 8:00. So we're we're hoping the entire country will come out and support us and see what we can do because again, we want to win the next two games. And this will entitle us to move from Group C and basically graduate into Group B, which is which is a higher level, which is always a pleasure to see the team improving."

"And that's again, that is our aim. Like I said, we set out on a mission to get to the next Gold Cup and we are going in the right direction. Getting out of Group C into B is always is a step forward into achieving our ultimate mission."

We also spoke with some of the top players today about their experience in this year's league and it seems that they all share the same goal to move from Group C to group B in the ranks.

Jordi Polanco, Mid Fielder, Belize National Team
"I think the training, the trainings were good, kind of intense, but I think we are in good shape or we were in good shape here for these games. We have two more weeks to prepare, say for the next two matches, but we will be in good shape. I mean, the coaches had a plan and we execute very well."

"I understand you scored some of the main goals, how does that make you feel?"

Jordi Polanco, Mid Fielder, Belize National Team
"Well, personally, of course, it's a great feeling to score a goal for the Belize national team, so I felt very, very good. But this is a is a team work. So I want to congratulate the team also for the effort."

Charles Tillett, Goalkeeper, Belize National Team
"Well, it was a good experience, I think, yes we are in league C but. I think it's a new process for a lot of young players to get the chance to represent Belize. It's the opportunity to showcase that they're capable of doing the job. The training was very intense, we trained three days a week for three weeks, and it were very intense with our new coach."

"So I think the group was very focused on we just had to go and execute the job."

Michael Palacio, Striker, Belize National Team
"It's nothing new to me. I mean, this is not my first international game. I've done this more than once. I've come to the national team from 15 to 17, the 18 that I went to, the A national team and all that’s how I progressed from there. So personally, for me, I was preparing well for myself and also with my club team, you know, And when we went to the national team it’s just to build that chemistry with each other so that we can prepare ourselves for there."

"And we bring the victory."

The team has two home matches in October.

Call Center Recruiting Inside Lake I

(posted on Thu Sep 12, 2024)

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO "So the purpose of this job fair that we are having here today, is to reach out to the community of the Lake independence area. We know that there's a lot of young vibrant am individuals that may be looking for a job but don't know where to go, or sometimes they may be shy or things like that and don't want to come into the office so we decided to do a job fair , we also decided to partner up with different businesses such as the labour department, social security, and the department of youth service."

"What could you tell us about the motive out here today?

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO
"Ok so the motive out here today , is to see if we can get at least I would say, 50 too a 100 applicants, what we are doing is on the spot interview and if we fit the criteria what we do is we transport you to our main location which is the Icon building to do the further interview process, probably do a final interview to see if your selected for one of the campaigns that we are hiring."

"The major things that we relooking for is how well you can communicate, we check lets say if your going to school, the location and we also look for what ability, if you have any customer service experience any call center experience things like that."

"We start hiring from 18 years or older, that's the age range that we are looking for."

"And if someone miss today, is there anymore job fairs coming up?"

Ashley Pook, Recruitment Manager, Ready call BPO
"If you miss today we are doing walk in interviews from Monday too Saturday, Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm and then on Saturday 8 until 3, so you still have a chance to come to our main location which is at 119 new town Barracks which is the icon building and slip in to apply all you need is a valid social security card and a resume"

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