7 News Belize

7 News Belize HeadlinesFriday, March 21, 2025

Working Man Murdered in Drive-by
A drive-by shooting last night has left a 21 year old man dead and three others injured. Floyd McFadzean Jr was driving his Ford Fusion on Cemetery Road with 20 year old Deon G...
Chester's Transition From Compol Office Not That Simple
And if you thought the ultimate responsibility for one more fatal drive-by would rest with the new commissioner of police, Dr Richard Rosado, well, you'd be wrong, because he's not commi...
CARICOM Leaders Stand With Cuba, Tell The US To Take Their Visas, How About Bernard?
Prime Minister John Briceno and Foreign Minister Francis Fonseca joined other CARICOM leaders via Zoom today to have a meeting in advance of United States Secretary of State Marco Rubio's ...
Pastor Humes Goes Home - After Getting Strung Up With Drug Runners
A pastor and cab driver turned prisoner on remand is back at home tonight, free of all charges after two nights in lockdown. On Wednesday Mark Humes of Burrell Boom was locked up al...
Forest Fire Rages on Turneffe Atoll
Last night, you heard fire expert Forest Manager Yahaira Urbina say that the fire season would be starting a little later than usual. But, not so on the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, ...
Health Plan Promises A Right To Health Care
The Ministry of Health and Wellness proudly launched a major strategic plant today at the Biltmore. It's being called a "transformative roadmap designed to ….advance Universal H...
What Will Kevin Do In T2?
It was the first major public event for Minister of Health Kevin Bernard - who's been renewed in that portfolio. Today, he said, he's back: Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and ...
Will MOHW Still Be Running Out of Meds In T2?
And in this second term, Bernard and his team have to avoid one of the major pitfalls of the first - and that's shortages of key medicines in public health facilities. Bernard concedes ...
The Survey and Sabido, Mischief or Misdirection?
And, if he's going to fix that problem, Bernard is going to do it with his ride or die CEO, Julio Sabido. Sabido had run into some serious headwinds later in the last term - and there were...
Mental Health, A Pressing Public Safety Priority
And two priority areas for the ministry led by Sabido and Bernard are access to health services through cell phones, and mental health. Here's his discussion of mental health - which i...
Telemedicine Is A Thing?
And, in making healthcare more accessible, Bernard says telepath is the way forward: ...
Is Private Healthcare Too Expensive?
And while that is a strategy to democratize health care for universal access - at the other end of the scale, private facilities are capitalizing medical services -making them so only the af...
Could Bernard Someday Lead The PUP?
And while Bernard holds sway over the Ministry of Health foreseeably for the remainder of this term, what comes next for him? The Orange Walk East Representative won his seat easily on March...
Celebrating The Key Role Women Play In the Tourism Sector
As a part of Women's Month, a few women of the tourism industry were recognized and honored today by the Belize Tourism Board. The event included opportunities to network and to learn from...
Galvez Is Youngest Woman Senator Ever
And from the tourism industry to the national assembly, the new PUP senators were announced yesterday and they include one of the youngest persons to ever be appointed to the upper house. ...
Senator Kevin Herrera Will Serve Another Term
And while Galvez is new to the Senate, joining her will be returning Senator, Kevin Herrera. He has accepted the endorsement from the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Betta ...
New Research Books For Senior Courts
The Senior Courts of Belize have received a donation of over 124 law books from the International Law Book Facility. It's from a London-based charity committed to promoting the rule of law ...
State Sends Respect To Aurelio
And, finally tonight, the funeral for iconic Garifuna musician and performer Aurelio Martínez was held today in his hometown of La Ceiba, Honduras. As we told you, a strong contingent ...
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7 News Belize - News:
Important Note: This Internet version of 7 News is a verbatum transcript of our evening television news script. Many interviews on our newscast are conducted in Creole. In the interest of clarity for our foreign readers, we attempt to paraphrase the Creole quotes in English

Working Man Murdered in Drive-by

A drive-by shooting last night has left a 21 year old man dead and three others injured. Floyd McFadzean Jr was driving his Ford Fusion on Cemetery Road with 20 year old Deon Gladden, 21 year old Troy Gentle, and 21 year old Jaheim Bent inside. As they drove in front of First Choice Pharmacy, two men on a motorcycle drove past and opened fire on the vehicle. The vehicle crashed into a fence with McFadzean dead at the wheel.

His family was still in a state of shock this morning since they know McFadzean to be a family man who causes no trouble. His father believes he was not the intended target. Courtney Menzies spoke with him today and has this story.

The city saw its third drive-by shooting fatality last night but the victim in this case may not have been the gunman's target. That's because 21 year old Floyd McFadzean Jr was, by all accounts, a hardworking man who got in with the wrong crowd.

According to his father, he came home after work as usual, but he headed out later that night, and that was the last time he saw his son alive.

Floyd McFadzean Sr., Father of Deceased
"Yesterday evening he came home from work, tired, he said he wanted to rest. And he went to sleep, around 8:30 he got up, he said he wanted to put some gas in his car so I just told him, hold a little money extra for the gas. And he went, put in his gas, and he called me and said, dad, he said he would take a little circle. And from there I didn't hear anything else about him again until this morning the police called me and told me he died in the car. In the car he did it too, I always told him that car… I don't know what to say."

McFadzean and 3 other young men were in this vehicle. He'd just driven away from Atlantic Bank after taking out cash from the ATM - the receipt still in his lap - when the gunman, riding a motorcycle, pulled up and began firing shots. All four men were hit, but McFadzean lost control of the car and crashed into the Constitution Park fence.

His father believes he was still alive in the moments before arriving at the hospital.

Floyd McFadzean Sr., Father of Deceased
"That was a scene I would have never wanted to see in my life because I saw him sitting in the car and it was like he was just staring at me but I already knew he was motionless in that car and I tried to reach him but the police told me I can't go to him because I have something in me like a feeling that he hadn't died because when I got to the hospital with him, he was still warm and limber, it wasn't like he was getting stiff or anything so I think he died in the car or something but the police didn't want us to go near him."

But their family isn't gang affiliated, and the younger McFadzean spent most of his time at home, so his father believes the gunman was after someone else in the vehicle.

Floyd McFadzean Sr., Father of Deceased
"My son isn't in any gang or anything, he's a family guy. Loving, everything he does, anybody asks him to do anything, he would do it for you. Anything he does. Work, the same people from his work who just came, they said he was the best guy in the work that did anything for anybody. Right now the work today is shut down because of him, nobody wants to work today."

Courtney Menzies:
"But you said that you believe the target was one of the other guys in the vehicle?"

Floyd McFadzean Sr., Father of Deceased
"Yes I believe that because the guy that was in the car ran out and left him right there so they were the target in the vehicle, not my son. My son is a very innocent guy, he doesn't give trouble, he just takes his little drink and we hang together and he goes to see his girlfriend and that's it with him. We don't know him as any gang boy, it's the friends he's with hat put him in that trouble there."

And now there's a gaping hole of loss in this close knit family:

Floyd McFadzean Sr., Father of Deceased
"He's a very good guy, he's straight, he doesn't have any company around that I know, he doesn't have any company around me because he's always with his family most of the time, we go all about to the district and go all around together so I don't know him as any guy that anybody wants to kill him or something."

"Right now it's like everything is missing because even when I came home this morning, me and my wife opened the house and it was like an empty house, nobody in there. And he's the guy that always jumps up and does something in the house to get any one of us vex or anything but that is the way we go in the house but can't do anything."

The other two drive-by shootings, which took the lives of Giovanni Ramirez and Joseph Lee Garcia, were believed to be gang related.

Chester's Transition From Compol Office Not That Simple

And if you thought the ultimate responsibility for one more fatal drive-by would rest with the new commissioner of police, Dr Richard Rosado, well, you'd be wrong, because he's not commissioner yet. Indeed, government has designated him for the post, but the current Compol, Chester Williams - we are told - is still fine tuning the details, terms and timeline of his departure and transition to the post as CEO for the Ministry of Transport, Constitution, Religious, and Indigenous Affairs.

So, while Chester is going over to that Ministry - at this point no-one can say for sure if it will be next week or next month.

CARICOM Leaders Stand With Cuba, Tell The US To Take Their Visas, How About Bernard?

Prime Minister John Briceno and Foreign Minister Francis Fonseca joined other CARICOM leaders via Zoom today to have a meeting in advance of United States Secretary of State Marco Rubio's Caribbean visit next week. Rubio is set to make stops in Jamaica, and then move unto the oil rich CARICOM nations of Guyana and Suriname. CARICOM Chairwoman Mia Mottley plans to be in Kingston for Rubio's visit as does Trinidad and Tobago's new prime minister, Stuart Young.

Sure to come up in the meeting is Washington's recent announcement that it plans to cancel the visas of public officials and their families across the hemisphere who are involved in obtaining services from Cuban doctors and their medical brigades, which the US calls forced labour.

This could affect all CARICOM nations - and Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St Vincent and the Grenadines recently said they can take his visa now, because he is standing by the Cuban doctors.

But, what about Belizean officials? We asked the Minister of Health today and he was a little more circumspect. For context, first we have audio of the remarks from Gonsalves:

Voice of: Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St, Vincent and the Grenadines
"If it is determined that you have to take away my Visa and Eloise, I want to say this publicly, I am not looking for fight with anybody, but we have to be honest and open, the haemodialysis which we do in St. Vincent at the modern medical and diagnostic center with these 60 persons without the Cubans there I will not be able to offer that service. So, does anybody expect that I to go because I want to keep a Visa, that I would let 60 persons from the poor and working people to die. It will never happen."

Jules Vasquez
"He's willing to give up his visa because he cannot keep his people healthy without that. What would you say in the face of the threat from the US, that if you don't stop this "forced labor" of the Cuban Medical Brigade, as they call it, you know, we will start to cancel the visas of health officials and their families. Your response?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Let me, let me let me say I am very much disturbed by what is happening, across, and the decisions, the notion that that, but at the end of the day, Jules, I will say this, that, the Cuban people have assisted Belize for many, many, many decades. In fact, they are here in this country providing a service towards a very rural population. And we don't own the rights to whether or not the US issues or grants or denies a person's visa. That's the, that's the right of the United States government. I, I don't want to get into that diplomatic issue. But all I can say is that I know that Belize continues to enjoy the relationship we had with Cuba."

"We also have a good relationship with the United States of America. And I'm no, I'm very sure that through our Foreign Affairs ministry, they are working out and having the discussions, with the US government in terms of clearing up some of the, the, making clarification as to some of the concerns that the US government had as it relates to, the area of what they're claiming, human trafficking in terms of Cuba and the Cuban nationals."

Jules Vasquez
"But are you concerned for your own visa or that of your family?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Jules, I am a Belizean and a Belizean first. I live in Belize. That's where my love is. And so, my focus is to ensure that our Belizean people can continue to, to continue to benefit from the work that we are doing as a government. Whether or not I travel the US is far, it's it's far from the the most important issue in my life. For now, as a minister of government, I'm here to work for my people to ensure that we can deliver for the Belizean people. And so, while that is a matter that has surfaced, so, as I said, it's not in me to respond to that, I believe that through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, they are working out those issues. They are making those clarifications to the U.S government."

Jules Vasquez
"Do you consider it forced labour?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"These people come to Belize and they get paid a salary to them. We don't pay the government of Cuba. Remember, that is that is one of the big issue, I think. But these Cuban doctors get paid a salary in Belize to their own personal accounts that they have in Belize. And so I don't I don't see where that is forced labor. But people coming to provide a service and being remunerated in Belize for that service."

Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados has also said she is willing to have her US visa revoked rather than back down on the issue.

Pastor Humes Goes Home - After Getting Strung Up With Drug Runners

A pastor and cab driver turned prisoner on remand is back at home tonight, free of all charges after two nights in lockdown.

On Wednesday Mark Humes of Burrell Boom was locked up along with 6 Fishermen from the north for trafficking of over a kilo of cocaine. Police searched his van in Orange Walk and found the passengers with the cocaine. But, Hume was just the cab driver, and his attorney says that with some effort, police concluded he had been charged in error:

Lynden Jones, Attorney - Mark Humes
"Well, as you know, a few days ago, my client was stopped on search by some officers in Orange Walk while he was doing a charter service for some fishermen. He was transporting some fishermen from Belisiti to Orange Walk."

"However, the police, they rightfully did what they needed to do and levied charges on everyone in the vehicle. But after further investigation, decided to withdraw the matter against Mr. Mark Humes today."

"So, the investigation that they did led to show that Mr. Humes had no involvement with the transporting of the drugs and therefore they decided to withdraw the matter against Mr. Mark. And now he said the first thing he would do is take a bath and then get some food."

"But he is happy that he was released today."

The six fishermen from the north remain on remand pending high court bail.

Forest Fire Rages on Turneffe Atoll

Last night, you heard fire expert Forest Manager Yahaira Urbina say that the fire season would be starting a little later than usual. But, not so on the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, where yesterday a large fire erupted.

Around 11:30 am, officers from the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association along with the Belize Coast Guard deployed on a joint patrol in TAMR. The teams covered grounds in central jurisdiction where they observed a small fire in the central lagoon that quickly grew into a large smoking fire. The team then followed the route of the fire and upon arrival to the area located on West Wall Turneffe -the team observed a large forest fire spreading.

TASA reported it to the Forest Department which will deploy a team tomorrow to Turneffe. Assessments will be completed when fire is put out to understand the extent of the loss.

The Forest Department is assisting with funds from the Government Strategic Allocation through the Belize Fund. They will be looking at a strategy and a plan for mangrove forest fires with TASA through the Blue Bonds and Permanence Finance Unit.

Health Plan Promises A Right To Health Care

The Ministry of Health and Wellness proudly launched a major strategic plant today at the Biltmore.

It's being called a "transformative roadmap designed to ….advance Universal Health for all Belizeans."

Jules Vasquez found out what's inside:

The Belize Health Sector and Strategic Plan 2025 to 2034 is a big deal. PAHO's country representative led the unveiling and all the top brass from the Ministry of Health and Wellness were in attendance for its release.

The plan has three main strategic objectives.

Dr. Julio Sabido, CEO, Ministry of Health and Wellness
"And they are one, the strength and leadership and stewardship. We will enhance governance, accountability, regulatory capacities within the Ministry of Health and Wellness."

"Two, establish an equitable health system. We will improve service delivery, financing mechanisms, and workforce development grounded in evidence-based public health research, policy, and practice."

"Three, we will promote healthier lifestyles."

But more than just words and paper, these planners hope it comes to life in the delivery of public health care services.

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Welness
"A transformative blueprint designed to elevate the health and well-being of our nation over the next decade."

"This plan is more than a document. It is a commitment that reflects our unwavering commitment to strengthening Belize's health system and ensuring no one is left behind as we progress towards universal health access and coverage for all."

"To foster a more empowered population in Belize through a resilient, equitable, and people-centered health system."

The goals are set high for a public health care system that often does not have high public satisfaction ratings.

But the goal is elevation.

Dr. Julio Sabido, CEO, Ministry of Health and Wellness
"It is a bold vision for a health system that is equitable, resilient, and deeply centered on the needs of our people."

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Welness
"Let us ensure that universal health is not just an aspiration, but a reality."

Digital copies of the plan are available through the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

What Will Kevin Do In T2?

It was the first major public event for Minister of Health Kevin Bernard - who's been renewed in that portfolio.

Today, he said, he's back:

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Welness
"But let me start by saying the famous quote of Arnold Schwarzenegger when in the movie said, I'm back."

"I have been able to learn a lot as well. And I myself, I say it publicly here, are looking at enrolling in a master's program in public health, because I really like the ministry. I think it's very important. It touches a lot of people."

"As the minister, I want to see that we could achieve universal health coverage. I want to ensure that we could bring better service delivery to our Malaysian people in health care."

"I want to ensure that as we roll out NHI, that our Belizean people are benefiting from these services. We want to see more improved facilities across the country. And that's my goal."

Will MOHW Still Be Running Out of Meds In T2?

And in this second term, Bernard and his team have to avoid one of the major pitfalls of the first - and that's shortages of key medicines in public health facilities.

Bernard concedes - it's a problem they have to address:

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Welness
"We faced a few couple of challenges in the past term with the issue of stockouts at that time. Of course, the supply chain was disrupted. We have been trying our very best to ensure that those things improve."

"And I think we have done a significant work in making sure that we're not 100 percent. And I'll be first to attest to that, we're not 100 percent there. We want to ensure that we can get to improve optimum level in terms of making sure that there's adequate supplies available across the country."

The Survey and Sabido, Mischief or Misdirection?

And, if he's going to fix that problem, Bernard is going to do it with his ride or die CEO, Julio Sabido. Sabido had run into some serious headwinds later in the last term - and there were rumors that he would not be renewed. In fact there was even a survey sent to senior staff about whether he should be replaced. Today, his Minister said it was all mischief:

"Why did you and your team launch a survey? Basically trying to get staff, see if staff is satisfied with your leadership and that of your CEO."

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"I'm not sure where you get that from, but you're asking about me and my staff?"

Jules Vasquez
"We're talking about a survey that went out in a WhatsApp group, and then later we saw a post that said it was fake. About the CEO, who should be the CEO, etc."

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"I got wind of that after when I was called to say that if I knew about this, I had no idea about that specific survey."

"I think it's malicious by nature. I think there are games that were being played, and it's obvious that somebody was trying to get after, or trying to create a division between myself and my CEO. That's not happening."

"I hold good confidence in my CEO. We have been working very closely to ensure that we could lead this ministry. I refuse to respond to negative issues when it comes to that. I think that is past gone."

"We are moving ahead. The Prime Minister has appointed me as Minister of Health, and I have supported the re-engagement of Dr. Sabido as my CEO, because I know we have been able to work together."

Jules Vasquez
"Did you and him require a re-centering or a reset of your relationship in order to move forward?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Well, Dr. Sabido and I have had great discussions. I know when I just became the Minister, I did not know Dr. Sabido. We got to know each other. We worked very closely together. It was not a difficult task for me to say to the Prime Minister, I fully support us re-engaging Dr. Sabido."

Mental Health, A Pressing Public Safety Priority

And two priority areas for the ministry led by Sabido and Bernard are access to health services through cell phones, and mental health.

Here's his discussion of mental health - which is a growing social problem - with an alarming number of public safety endangerments caused by persons experiencing acute psychosis:

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Mental health is a key factor in this new government term in this ministry. In fact Dr Diaz yesterday spoke about the priority and the re-establishment and looking at the new mental health police and strengthening that policy because it's critical. We have to address mental health issues in this country. There are several things that we are working on in terms of - not just to focus on the institutionalization - but to look at the programs and activities that we are able to, that we need to do. We have to ensure that the wellness side of our ministry starts to become more active."

"Because mental health is not just the notion of people being, as you would say, belongs in a home. But many of us walk around this country and you might never know what's affecting him or her. And so we have to make it that people have access to seek attention, to seek services. And that's what we're going to do in this ministry to ensure that mental health remains the focal point in our agenda."

Telemedicine Is A Thing?

And, in making healthcare more accessible, Bernard says telepath is the way forward:

Is Private Healthcare Too Expensive?

And while that is a strategy to democratize health care for universal access - at the other end of the scale, private facilities are capitalizing medical services -making them so only the affluent can afford to access life saving tertiary care. The press asked Bernard about this trend:

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Now of course accessing some of these high-end services in Belize is a bit difficult and so people have to have to go out and do this care, but it is our vision and our hope that at some point Belize can also offer these type of services."

"We have health professionals, we have doctors who are now doing specialized training out there. There are people who, I think there is a female doctor in Guatemala who is a who is a pediatric oncologist studying for bringing that service in Belize."

"I think we have several nephrologists being trained outside because again our lead one of our leading that is in their people with diabetes and so we have to ensure that we are able to attract those persons and so even at the medical council we have to start to look at, I'm not saying that we want to just bring too much of an ease for persons to come in. but at any day we have to start to look at the needs in Belize. And the private sector also needs to be looked at because we have people who complain you go to a private sector facility and one night and you're paying almost 10,000 dollars I mean it's healthcare access in the private sector is very high."

"Do you think it's a case where by the service is that expensive or you believe that it can be offered at a cheaper price by these private facilities?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"But I can tell you that when you look at the region when you look at it's a known fact that sometimes you feel that in the private sector the prices are just too high."

"Now they have their own accounting and formula that they use how they put their cost to their services so I cannot speak to that. All I'm saying is that we need to find ways how we can make healthcare more affordable in this country."

Could Bernard Someday Lead The PUP?

And while Bernard holds sway over the Ministry of Health foreseeably for the remainder of this term, what comes next for him? The Orange Walk East Representative won his seat easily on March 12th garnering 84% of the vote, easily the highest in the north.

So, could this close ally to the Prime Minister someday be the one to replace his boss? We asked him about it:

Jules Vasquez
"Do you see yourself as somebody who should be considered in the future as, as a potential leader of the PUP?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Jules, we all have ambitions. But I believe in one thing. I have always said this to myself and my, my family have always said, we do it with humility. You start from somewhere. I started off seeing that I want to make a change in my community where I started as a councilor. I decided that I think I could do that much more. And so I served as mayor for three consecutive terms. Then I thought that, you know what I think as I believe that I can do even much more. And serving in the capacity as an area representative."

"My plan is to continue to work for the People's United Party, to continue to work for the Orange Walk East constituency. And we will cross that bridge when we get there at some point."

"And and I know that people have been asking me about that, but for me, that's not the priority at this stage. That is not my priority. My priority is to continue to work for people of Orange Walk East. We will see where that trajectory takes us or where it takes me at some point. We have great people in this party that can lead this party at some point down the road. For now I am focussed on the fact that John Briceno is our Prime Minister. He's our leader. And as long as he's leading this party, I'm there to support."

Jules Vasquez
"The political center of the country, at least before redistricting, is Belize City. Those ten constituencies, and, you know, there are people in the city who feel that it's just an anomaly, that someone from the North became prime minister, and that eventually the power has to return to the political base of the country, which they see - Belize's City people see - as Belize City. That's the highest concentration of political power in the country. Do you think that in the future, since John Briceno has already set the trend, we will see more leaders from the so-called out-district?"

Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Well, I can tell you, Jules, that I see when you look around the country in the, in the PUP, you could, you could look at every area and there, there are people that can lead this party. Once and whenever the prime minister decides to, to, to leave politics, I mean, we have great people in the West. You have people in the South, you have people in the North. And of course, in Belize City, there are great people that can lead this party."

"But, I don't think that at the end of the day, it's not about whether Belize City or Belize District is the strength of the political power within any party. I think that it's up to the delegates of our party. Whenever that time comes around, who will decide who they want to lead? The party whenever the time comes."

"I know these things sometimes come up. But at the end of the day, right now, Jules, we just, we just got elected. We just got reelection. And our focus is to bring about the changes that we have set forth, in Plan Belize 2.0 and to bring better development and service delivery for people."

Celebrating The Key Role Women Play In the Tourism Sector

As a part of Women's Month, a few women of the tourism industry were recognized and honored today by the Belize Tourism Board. The event included opportunities to network and to learn from other women in the industry through a discussion panel. Our team was there and Courtney Menzies has this story.

At every hotel, restaurant, or adventure park, there is a woman somewhere, behind the scenes, ensuring that every guest is fully satisfied. And today, many of those women - the backbone of Belize's ever-growing tourism industry - were honored by the BTB. Today's networking event was aimed at connecting the women of tourism and inspiring them with stories of some of the pioneers. The Media and Communication Specialist spoke more about one such woman.

Felicia Pelayo, Media & Communication Specialist, BTB
"For today we're hosting a special networking event dedicated to those women also where we wanted to have them here in person share their stories, identify possible collaborations, networking opportunities, so we're going to be recognizing them today, we're also going to be having a special panel discussion, we're calling it a power panel where we have three of those nominees, Ms Timotea Mesh, Megs Yearwood, Rebecca Rath, representing different areas of the tourism industry, talk about their experiences, and then we'll also open the floor for other women to also share their experiences as well."

"For one of our panelists, Ms Timotea Mesh, she is the founder of the San Antonio Women's Cooperative and very much we see how culture is becoming a huge part of the tourism product in Belize and so for her story, it is a cooperative that empowers women and creates opportunities in her community while also keeping their Maya heritage alive."

And another inspiring story was that of Megs Yearwood, who was representing Barefoot Services. What started off as Placencia's first car rental - before there was even a paved road - has transformed into a full travel service business. She explained that though she had a lot of help from women along the way, there are still a lot of challenges for them in this industry.

Megs Yearwood, Barefoot Services
"I worked at one hotel in Placencia and I realized I could make a living here in Placencia and meeting a superior that encouraged me to learn and apply myself, I think that also helped, so throughout my career I've always had women in my corner. My first website, I built in my apartment with a woman so I didn't really have a plan but over the years I think what helps us is that we're always seeing opportunities and we apply ourselves to fill those gaps."

"I definitely feel like it has been more challenging being a woman, I'm a mom of two girls, but I'm happy that I have two girls because I have some gas behind me with the experiences that I've had to prepare them to thrive in place like Belize but I will not ever forget the partnership that I've had, I have a husband, I've been married for a very long time and the support of a partner that encourages and babysits and preps the meals, that goes a long way but as a woman, I think that men don't get the challenges that we have, for example, many people see me as too strict or serious or abrasive, but to be taken serious, I have to be firm, but they interpret it as aggressive or negative but if a man was doing business as usual, he's just seen as a man."

Galvez Is Youngest Woman Senator Ever

And from the tourism industry to the national assembly, the new PUP senators were announced yesterday and they include one of the youngest persons to ever be appointed to the upper house.

30 year old Britney Galvez isn't just representing youths but also women. She said this achievement isn't just for her, but it's for those who are underrepresented in parliament.

Britney Galvez, PUP Senator
"This is not just about me, this is about youth and women all over this country. Having this appointment is not just a personal achievement, it is achievement to me for everyone to be able to see me there as a youth."

"Other youth and women can now envision that as well and like I said I want to commend the government and I'm happy to support a government that is committed to inclusive leadership. What can be expected is that I will carry the spirit of youth from all across this country in my role."

"Like I said this is not just about me, this is about all of us and I am committed to serving my country in this role. I've asked me five years ago if I would be here. I would not have given this answer but I hope it is an inspiration to other young people and women that they can do this and there's nothing to limit you and to this role I really hope to just bring everyone along with me."

Jules Vasquez
"Do you have further political aspirations or is it something that you can foresee happening sometime down the road?"

Britney Galvez, PUP Senator
"Well that's a hard question to answer because I can't really say per se yes that is something I'm interested in but I know that this role will give me a lot of experience and I am hoping to learn as much as I can."

"I've always been committed to lifelong learning and so I'm just happy to be able to serve in this role and we'll see where we go from there."

Senator Kevin Herrera Will Serve Another Term

And while Galvez is new to the Senate, joining her will be returning Senator, Kevin Herrera. He has accepted the endorsement from the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Betta Business Bureau to serve a second term representing the business sector. He joins Louis Wade, Janelle Chanona, and Glenfield Dennison as social partner senators.

Now, it is only left for the 3 UDP Senators to be named.

New Research Books For Senior Courts

The Senior Courts of Belize have received a donation of over 124 law books from the International Law Book Facility. It's from a London-based charity committed to promoting the rule of law and facilitating access to justice by providing essential legal research materials. A release from the high courts says "This invaluable contribution will serve as a crucial resource in advancing judicial scholarship and strengthening the administration of justice in Belize."

State Sends Respect To Aurelio

And, finally tonight, the funeral for iconic Garifuna musician and performer Aurelio Martínez was held today in his hometown of La Ceiba, Honduras.

As we told you, a strong contingent of Belizeans fans made the journey by sea and land to be there. NICH and the state were also represented by April Martinez who said these words:..

Reports tell us that there will also be a memorial service in Belize on Tuesday at the Bliss, with details to be announced.

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