7 News Belize

7 News Belize HeadlinesFriday, September 13, 2024

Historic Day In The House: Faber Says He’s A UDP, Shyne Says He’s Lying
Today's House of Representatives Meeting was the very first held in its temporary location. We told you yesterday that due to renovations at the National Assembly, the parliamentary me...
Faber And Tracy Support Ties With Taiwan, Barrow Not So Much
And the motion that led to the committee meeting that then led to the fiery adjournment wasn't a loan motion or supplementary appropriation which usually leads to explosive debates. Rath...
Shyne Says Faber Suffers From Party Leader Withdrawals
And outside the House, Barrow reiterated that Faber does not represent the UDP, and his views do not reflect that of the party. And we also asked his reaction to Madam Speaker's rejection....
Shyne Says No "Unity Convention", Faber and Tracy Moving Forward
But Faber and Panton persist under the UDP Banner and they're moving full steam ahead with their convention on October 20th. Barrow, however, says that's like him calling general elections e...
Tracy Surprised At Being Canned From Committees
And while Panton is aware that Barrow doesn't support their convention, she hadn't realized that he'd kick her and Faber off the House Committees until this morning. She told the media that ...
Shyne Was Hoping To Make Amends
So why not just expel Faber and Panton from the party, rather than play the "constructive resignation" game? Barrow said he'd expected to be able to mediate with them and after a Kumbaya ses...
PM To UDP: Get It Together
And the government side got some good laughs out of the UDP today, but then at the end of the meeting, the PM shared some sober reflections on the fallen state of the UDP: John Briceno, P...
5 Months For Police Inspector Who Beat Man in Cell
Tonight, Inspector Christopher Martinez is beginning a five month prison sentence. It's very rare when a police officer of rank is convicted and ends up in jail. But, so it is for him to...
Police Min Says Injured Detainee May Have Suffered Seizures
And while that inspector will be facing jail time, will anybody be charged for the death of 26-year-old Daniel Cal? Yesterday we told you that he was arrested on Friday, held until Tue...
UDP Calls For Comprehensive Investigation Into Cal’s Death
And today the UDP issued a press release calling for a comprehensive investigation. The party leader told us more today: Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition "Deepest sympathi...
Chopped To Death, Police Say Not Murder
A man was chopped to death in San Ignacio last night - but police are not calling it a murder - they say the killer may have acted in self defence. At 10:30 last night 61 year old Uba...
Camalote Killing is Manslaughter
And another case of apparent murder is now being called manslaughter. He went missing in Belmopan, and then his family found his decomposing body in an empty lot. Four days after 58-y...
Police Domestic Dispute, Cop Fires On Her Boyfriend
And, in our next story, no one was killed but a domestic dispute between two cops ended in shots being fired. It happened Last night in Belize City, after 10:30, when 23 year old Police ...
Kareem Urges DV Survivors To Reach Out Following Cop On Cop Shooting
And today the Police Minister said that the situation is concerning, especially since police officers are trained to be emotionally intelligent. He added that he's encouraging anyone facing ...
Barrow Tells GOB To Return The Money Paid For University Hospital
And going back to house business now - the leader of the opposition spoke on the adjournment about the 6.9 million dollars the government used to purchase land for a tertiary hospital in Bel...
PM Has Nothing More To Say About BMP Hospital
And earlier in the week you heard the chairman of UB's board of governors tell 7News that they agreed to offer the Ministry of Health an alternative piece of land. Today we asked the PM if h...
A Brick From Terminal Fell On A Passerby - Transport To Investigate
Yesterday, we told you about a scary situation that happened at the Novelo's Bus terminal. A brick from off the roof of the terminal fell on a passerby and injured her shoulder. An...
PM on Sarstoon: BTV Needs To Be Careful
Not even a month after the Prime Minister's visit to Guatemala, there have been two reported incidents in the Sarstoon involving aggression by the GAF - which was on the Belize side of t...
Briceno Concedes Stake Bank Matter Will End Up In Court
And we also asked the PM about a request for an urgent injunction that the Feinstein Group has filed to stop the compulsory acquisition of Stake Bank. No date for a hearing has been set,...
An Artist Of The Spoken Word
And finally now for some news that doesn't have to do with politics, crime, or the House Meeting. Our next story is about a Belizean Poet - who has made his art into a living and he is...
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7 News Belize - News:
Important Note: This Internet version of 7 News is a verbatum transcript of our evening television news script. Many interviews on our newscast are conducted in Creole. In the interest of clarity for our foreign readers, we attempt to paraphrase the Creole quotes in English

Historic Day In The House: Faber Says He’s A UDP, Shyne Says He’s Lying

Today's House of Representatives Meeting was the very first held in its temporary location. We told you yesterday that due to renovations at the National Assembly, the parliamentary meetings will be held temporarily at the George Price Center for Peace and Development.

But the new location isn't the only thing that was unprecedented about today's meeting. The Opposition Party turned on itself during the adjournment, with the Leader firing shots at the Collet area rep, and Patrick Faber returning them.

However, according to Shyne Barrow, Faber and Tracy Panton aren't members of the UDP, though they insist they are.

So it's like Schrödinger's Cat in the Opposition, where we're not quite sure whether Faber and Panton are living members or dead ones. And that came to a head today in the meeting. Courtney Menzies was there and has this story.

It was an explosive adjournment in the House of Representatives Meeting today, but it wasn't between the government and the opposition. In fact, it was between two members of the opposition - at least Patrick Faber maintains that he and Tracy Panton are still part of the UDP.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"The matter of public importance is that the leader of the opposition even though it was not his official presentation, just now when he stood on the adjournment I would have left it alone had he not be allowed to say things and I don't accuse you Madam Speaker, you probably didn't even know what matter he would have spoken, he just snuck it in there. He was actually speaking on the hospital land deal. But the Belizean people must know and if that is going to reflect on the record then we must put on the record that we have absolutely not resigned and that we reject the leader of the opposition and the leader of the UDP's position that we have constructively resigned."

But if you ask the Leader, Shyne Barrow, Faber and Panton have "constructively resigned" and are no longer in the party. In fact, he went so far as to have them removed from House committees. It was that move that led Faber to stand up against his leader - or former leader? - in the House.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"As I was saying, I went dutifully downstairs to the committee room to participate on behalf of my party who I know."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"You are not part of the party."

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"Not because you say so. Anyway, Madam Speaker, can you talk to him so that he's stops interrupting?"

Madam Speaker:
"Member for Mesopotamia, Leader of the opposition, 42b-."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"You cannot pronounce on our internal matters and he's lying he's not a member of the UDP! It's like me getting up and saying I am the Speaker! I am the Speaker then, come on!"

Madam Speaker:
"You did say that once I believe that. Member for Mesopotamia you seem to have difficulty respecting the Chair."

Eventually, Barrow allowed Faber to continue, and the Collet area rep added that he doesn't care where he sits, so long as his chair is on the UDP's side.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"It is prerogative to decide where we're going to sit on this side of the isle. I would have had a problem if there was some kind of decision to say you can't sit with the UDP but as long as these five chairs are joined together, it doesn't matter where we sit because he does not determine whether I have resigned from this Honorable House nor does he determined whether my colleague from Albert has resigned from this Honorable House."

"So we expect that he will cease and desist from that and again we make the pronouncement loud and clear that we are members - sorry to disappoint you members on the government side, we are not crossing the floor and we are not going to pledge allegiance I don't think ever. I heard all of them talking about crossing the floor, no, we are UDP and as far as I'm concerned I'm going to die a UDP."

Faber And Tracy Support Ties With Taiwan, Barrow Not So Much

And the motion that led to the committee meeting that then led to the fiery adjournment wasn't a loan motion or supplementary appropriation which usually leads to explosive debates. Rather, it was a simple motion to celebrate 35 Years of diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

The motion was supported by two of four members present on the opposition side - which, as you heard earlier, caused the government side to joke about Faber "crossing the floor."

But why didn't Barrow stand up in support? Well, he explained that he's skeptical about Taiwan's generosity towards Belize, and believes that they are interfering in our local politics. He also believes grants are being given under false pretenses for campaign finance support. He voiced some of these concerns under the mic in the House while Briceno was wrapping up the debate.

At the end, the government requested a division, during which the PUP members all voted yes to the motion, while Barrow abstained.

Of course, Faber and Panton voted yes and here's what they said during the debate.

Patrick Faber, Area Rep., Collet
"Madam speaker I prefaced my remarks on this motion today by saying that I hope I can speak on behalf of the opposition. I say that Madam Speaker because indeed we are bound to be on the same page but when we're not a part of the parliamentary caucus that decides on what position we'll take, we just have to assume we're on the same page. And so Madam Speaker, I'm sure my leader will get up and correct me if this is not the position but on behalf of the opposition, we express our full support. There's one opposition, it's an opposition to the government, his Majesty's loyal opposition. On behalf of the opposition we express our full support for this motion to commemorate and celebrate 35 years of diplomatic ties between Belize and the Republic of China, Taiwan."

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"I stand in this honorable house Madam Speaker - can we have respect for the motion, member for Pickstock? Thank you - to affirm and support this motion that seeks to solidify the relationship, the friendship, the partnership between Belize and Taiwan."

At the end of the debate, the PM rose and chided the Leader of the Opposition for not supporting a country who has assisted both red and blue administrations in numerous ways. That sparked an argument across the floor when Barrow began shouting out accusations.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Madam Speaker I find it kind of troubling, amusingly troubling that it seems that we have two opposition on the other side because we have two of the members getting up to support this motion but it troubles me that the leader of the opposition, the official leader of the opposition for now, I don't know for how long, refuses to get up and say they support this motion. I find this incredible, after all Taiwan has done for this country, the gentleman over there is going to sit down quietly and refuse to get up and say they support the good people and government of Taiwan. It is troubling to this country because it seems he just wants to sellout. It seems he just wants to sell us out to the other side, why he doesn't want to get up and talk."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"You want me to talk about the Millions of Dollars that Taiwan gave to your sister? I'm trying to show respect for my colleagues."

Madam Speaker:
"Member there is no point of order."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Go ahead."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"Tell them about FIU."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Go ahead."

Madam Speaker:
"Leader of the Opposition."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"I have the evidence."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Bring the evidence. Madam Speaker the point is, that there are two honorable members of the opposition that have the decency and the honor-."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition:
"They are not members of the UDP."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"To get up and to support this motion."

Shyne Says Faber Suffers From Party Leader Withdrawals

And outside the House, Barrow reiterated that Faber does not represent the UDP, and his views do not reflect that of the party. And we also asked his reaction to Madam Speaker's rejection. Of his request to have them moved from the opposition bench. He said that he accepted her interpretation of the constitution and now he will move on. He also repeated that the idea of constructive resignation isn't a new concept and that Faber was the chairman of the party during Cardona's expulsion.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Those colleagues that stood up, we have to be absolutely clear, I did not want to get up on a point of order, I was going to wait until I spoke on the adjournment to make it absolutely clear that Patrick Faber does not speak for the Opposition. I know that he has withdrawal issues and still thinks that he sits on the seat of the Opposition but he doesn't and he does not speak for the Opposition, he speaks for himself and the people that elected him and respectfully, I respect the people that elected him and he speaks for them but he's not a part of the UDP parliamentary caucus because he's no longer a member of the UDP."

"The difference between myself and the member for Collet and Albert is that despite the difficulties I've experienced with the Speaker, I have respect for the seat of the Speaker and the Speaker was well in her remit to interpret the constitution in the manner which she did. I was in my remit as the Leader of the Opposition knowing that these people are no longer members of the party to notify the Speaker of such, there is language there that talks about resigning as a member of a political organization by which you were elected, I believe there is a deficiency there in the constitution because while it allows the member to resign, it does not address the member being expelled or the member ceasing to be active in the political organization and in this instance, you all see the type of coup d'état that was on display before the members were expelled from the party or as we put it, "constructively resigned" as an ode to the former party chairman, Mr Patrick Faber himself who constructively resigned Marcel Cordona so it's ironic that they were able to constructively resign him from the party but now he doesn't want to accept that because if you do your history, Cordona also said, I do not resign but the UDP maintained that he was no longer a member of their organization."

And Barrow says he's received plenty of applications for both constituencies. But can he find a standard bearer to rival Faber in Collet?

"How does the UDP prepare somebody that will deliver a safe seat in Collet?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"The safest seat in the entire country and the UDP is Mesopotamia. That is a matter of fact. Since 1979."

"When it comes to the member from Collet, when you talk about democracy, democracy is not based on who has been around the longest, democracy is not based on how intelligent or how intellectual you are, democracy is based on the will of the people so no one has a right to be elected. It is not that you are so qualified that all of us in society should throw ourselves at your feet and not consider giving the people an option. There are people that are not happy with the performance of the member from Collet, in Collet, so we are looking at those people to see we can find the most suitable and this is all about standing up for democracy so the member for Collet could not support the UDP with the current leadership so we removed him from the party based on the violations of the constitution and the treasonous behavior that he has been conducting and we have to move forward."

Shyne Says No "Unity Convention", Faber and Tracy Moving Forward

But Faber and Panton persist under the UDP Banner and they're moving full steam ahead with their convention on October 20th. Barrow, however, says that's like him calling general elections early and inviting voters out.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"There is no national convention on October 20th. It's similar to me coming into the House and telling the Speaker you have to vacate those seats and I don't agree with your decision and I implore the media to be responsible. John Saldivar is not a member of the UDP, Patrick Faber is not a member of the UDP, Tracy Panton, not a member of the UDP so whatever activity or convention that they will be having is not a UDP convention, we have an elected party chairman, we have an elected leadership executive. No matter how long they were members, no matter how long they served in parliament, it doesn't give you the right. So what if I get up now on the adjournment and say, November 6th, we're going to have a general election and I invite everybody to come out, are you going to say, well if everybody comes out and vote for the UDP then you will be the prime minister, Shyne? It doesn't work like that, Marisol."

Tracy Surprised At Being Canned From Committees

And while Panton is aware that Barrow doesn't support their convention, she hadn't realized that he'd kick her and Faber off the House Committees until this morning. She told the media that Barrow may as well be silencing their constituents.

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"This only became apparent today, we were not aware that he had written a letter to the selection committee on this matter. It is the prerogative of the Leader of the Opposition to appoint members to House committees. For the record, I'd like to say that I served on 13 House committees. I sat on 12 committees, I chaired one, which is the Joint Public Accounts Committee. I also served as the party whip, but that's his prerogative. The challenge I have with that though is that when you attempt to silence the voices of elected representatives as part of the legislative process, what in effect you do is silence the voices of the people who sent us to the National Assembly to represent them. So it's unfortunate but it is indeed his prerogative."

"We didn't even have the courtesy of hearing from the Leader of the Opposition that that was his agenda but it is his prerogative so I hope the people of Belize are paying notice that he has now in effect silenced their voices in the very important process of foreign policy and determining legislation for the country."

"Now you've also indicated, yourself and Mr Faber, that there will be an October 20th convention held by yourself as the alliance…"

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"No it's not held by us as the alliance, it is a UDP National Convention that was petitioned by 232 delegates of the national convention which I the highest decision making body of the UDP."

Shyne Was Hoping To Make Amends

So why not just expel Faber and Panton from the party, rather than play the "constructive resignation" game? Barrow said he'd expected to be able to mediate with them and after a Kumbaya session, focus their energies on the government.

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"It was our hope that we could mediate as you've heard many of the executives, not me, this is the first time you're talking to me in a few weeks and you've heard several members of the executive of the UDP tell you the truth, not the propaganda that they were spreading and explained to you that we have done everything to try and accommodate some type of mediation so we had anticipated by the constructive resignation, which was the precedent in 2011, that that would jolt them into coming to their senses and we could return and focus on the People's United Party because it really is a shame and an attack on our democracy when every time we speak, we need to speak about two members who can't have their way and are causing this distraction and this disruption until they get their way so rather than they attack the government, rather than they attack the policies of the government, rather than they put forward policies that they believe would be better for Belize. Rather than they do any of that work to strengthen our democracy, to create viable alternatives in our democracy to hold our government accountable, they're attacking me and then you, I respect your responsibility, I respect you have to ask because it's concerning but I think we do need to come to a point where we call them out, what do they want? They want Briceno to have unfettered powers to just do as they please without any checks and balances? Or they want to be leader and they want power in the UDP so badly?"

PM To UDP: Get It Together

And the government side got some good laughs out of the UDP today, but then at the end of the meeting, the PM shared some sober reflections on the fallen state of the UDP:

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I just can't help but feel a sense of sadness and I know yes its funny what's going on between the opposition but I was thinking and reflecting when the member from Albert was talking about patriotism and I was thinking what would Sir Manuel Esquivel and Phillip Goldson a hero of Belize would be thinking if they were alive to see what's been happening in their party. It's important that you guys get your act together. We need an opposition."

"It saddens me to see what's going on when the Leader of the Opposition is going to put a ghost ahead of you two. A person who has not been in this House for the past three years. Has not attended a House Meeting in three years and this man because he wants to spite you, he puts them to sit ahead of you. Something is wrong, you guys need to get your act together."

5 Months For Police Inspector Who Beat Man in Cell

Tonight, Inspector Christopher Martinez is beginning a five month prison sentence. It's very rare when a police officer of rank is convicted and ends up in jail. But, so it is for him tonight - that's after he pleaded guilty to wounding two weeks ago.

He did that knowing that the Chief Magistrate Jayani Wegadapola had already given him a sentencing indication - saying he would face a custodial sentence if he pleaded guilty.

But 14 months after the trial started - that's just what he did. Which brings us to his sentencing today. Martinez's attorney Simeon Sampson brought character witnesses to make the case for a non custodial sentence. Martinez's wife gave moving testimony and she also read a letter from their son, a first form student who pleaded with the court not to put his father in jail.

But, the DPP - after presenting a victim impact statement on behalf of Aaron Flowers - recounted for the Chief Magistrate the facts of the case. And they are disturbing. On the night of Friday June 16 2023, Inspector Martinez went to the Ladyville police station - used his privileges to open the detention cell where Flowers was held - then took the padlock from the cell - and beat Flowers to the head. He left and returned - where police had to physically pull him out of the cell. He wore a uniform at all times - and his entering the cell was caught on camera.

Martinez did this after his home was shot up - and Flowers was detained in connection but never charged. Today in court, speaking on his own behalf, he apologized to Flowers and begged the court for mercy. His attorney did the same.

But, the DPP said that because of the extreme nature of the offense, the Chief Magistrate is compelled to start her consideration of a sentence at the maximum possible time in prison for the crime which is one year.

The Magistrate did do that and made deductions for the fact that Martinez had no prior offenses and that he did make a guilty plea.

But, it wasn't enough to save him from jail - and he was sentenced to 5 months in prison. When the sentence was handed down - Inspector Martinez gave a stunned expression - which his wife was in visible anguish.

But for the victim of the beating Aaron Flowers he feels like he got a hard won justice:

Aaron Flowers, Cop who Beat him got 5 months in Jail
"Of course I am satisfy, this is showing you even if you are the smallest man in Belize and once you have a little faith and you push and you don't give up, or you don't take a dollar more, justice will be done, Jules."

Jules Vasquez
"How hard was it for you to stick to this, because, you know, this man has powerful friends in the police, and they try get you to drop the case?"

Aaron Flowers
"It was difficult, Jules, I went to report at the Raccoon Street police station, when they took me there, a police come to me, in the station, and offer me $5,000. I made a report and nothing came out of it, Jules. And he is a high up police, I have all the evidence, the phone number, just by accident, the DPP pop up the station, same time. How much time they locked me down to try to pressure me to drop this case, Jules."

"I am at my business in Corozal. And when I go out and come back from Chetumal, they lock me down. When they lock me down, they tell me, the thing could go two way, either me drop it against Martinez or I will feel the pinch."

"They say, remember, you cannot win and its true. You know how many people is at jail right now that police plant bullet on, Jules. You never know what will be the outcome. Look at me, right now, certain police is not happy with me."

"Remember, that man still got police friends within the force. And I'm not surprised if they try to plant a gun or a bullet on me or try stick a type of crime for me. That's why right now I don't want to be around friends. I try keeping my house underneath camera. So even if they come and try to plant something I see them on camera. Right now, I install both 30 plus cameras extra around the house."

"Right now, they got me scared, Jules. I'm not lying. But with that scared, that they got me, I still will not stop fighting for my rights. I'm proud, right now, Jules. I feel happy. It's a happy between me and you Jules."

"I'm really happy and the justice. A lot that us poor people out there. We don't have to take it the wrong way, Jules. We could always work with the system. Come on, report them."

Jules Vasquez
"In the report, he said, sorry. Was that of any satisfaction to you?"

Aaron Flowers
"Jules, I got a lifetime scar on my head, Jules. I got a lifetime scar on my head. Yes, I forgive him, Jules. I forgive him. I won't take any violence against him, but I take justice against him. Justice has prevailed. This is showing everybody out there. Don't feel because you're too high, justice cannot catch up to you. Nobody no higher than justice Jules. Not even a commissioner, nobody. Once justice prevails, justice will prevail. It just needs somebody to bring it to them."

Flowers is also pursuing a civil case against Inspector Martinez - whose sentence began today. It was noted in court that the Inspector -w hoc is the commissioner's first cousin was never put on interdiction for the offense.

Police Min Says Injured Detainee May Have Suffered Seizures

And while that inspector will be facing jail time, will anybody be charged for the death of 26-year-old Daniel Cal? Yesterday we told you that he was arrested on Friday, held until Tuesday, and then passed away on Thursday at the Western Regional Hospital. By the time his family got to see him in the cell, he was covered in bruises and had a gash in his head, which had been stitched up. He was also in nothing but his boxers and lying semi-conscious on the floor of the cell.

Today the Minister of Home Affairs informed us that he was initially charged with handling stolen goods and that they have already launched an investigation into the matter. He said preliminary information suggests that Cal had been suffering from seizures and was taken to the hospital twice. But he added that it's not just the police that's involved in this investigation, and they're hoping an expedited postmortem will clear things up.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"On Monday morning after his detention on Friday he had fallen ill within the cell. I believe it is around three in the morning. He was taken to the Western Regional Hospital where he was treated and thereafter the medical practitioners released him back into the custody of police."

"However, because Tuesday was a holiday, they were unable to charge him then. On Wednesday, I believe he had another instance from the information that I'm receiving. It was seizures that he was suffering from and so he was again taken back to the hospital on Wednesday and I believe he passed away on Thursday."

"Because it was a case of not in custody death but shortly after being in custody, we have asked the NFSS to expedite the postmortem. I have been assured that that will be done on Monday. I have also reached out to the Ministry of Health personnel to contact the doctors at the hospital that treated Mr. Cal when he was taken there on Monday and then thereafter taken there again on Wednesday for them to indicate whether Mr. Cal during his time there at the hospital had indicated anything to the doctors because I believe that there's some sort of insinuation that police might have hit him."

"But from the accounts that the police have provided so far, it seems that the knock on his head was as a result of the seizure he suffered. We've already checked the cameras at the station and there's nothing to suggest that there was any instance of violence between police and the individual that was detained and so it's very early in investigation but we are putting serious priority on it."

"Isn't it concerning? he was found with bruises all his body. if he had a seizure, if he had a fall, I don't see how this seizure, I mean, the bruises would be in his legs, on his arms. A, B, he's in the care of police custody. He was found naked in his boxers with faeces."

"He had, you know, defecated himself and the family wasn't informed, even though they were repeatedly checking, they were not informed not once that your loved one is in this type of situation."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"Yeah, I'm sure the family is going through a very devastating time right now and my heart goes out to them."

"I'm sure they have their version and the police has their version, which is why the investigation is important because so far there's no suggestion of the bruises like you're suggesting. And that is why a post -mortem by the National Forensic Science Service is very important to determine the cause of death and to see whether or not there were, in fact, these bruises that you're speaking of."

UDP Calls For Comprehensive Investigation Into Cal’s Death

And today the UDP issued a press release calling for a comprehensive investigation.

The party leader told us more today:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Deepest sympathies and as we said we ask for a comprehensive investigation. All police officers are not bad people in fact they are heroes and they are frontline workers that we cannot do without but where there are violations of human rights, where there are criminal activities by those who are sworn to protect law and order, we m use investigate it and we must act swiftly to hold them to account so deepest sympathies to the family of Daniel Cal."

Chopped To Death, Police Say Not Murder

A man was chopped to death in San Ignacio last night - but police are not calling it a murder - they say the killer may have acted in self defence.

At 10:30 last night 61 year old Ubaldo Guzman was socializing with 43 year old Peter August, when they got into an altercation and Guzman allegedly attacked August with a machete.

August wrested the machete away and chopped Guzman multiple times with his own machete. Guzman was taken to the San Ignacio Community Hospital and later succumbed to his injuries. August also had minor injuries. No charges have been brought - but, again, tonight police are not calling it a murder.

Camalote Killing is Manslaughter

And another case of apparent murder is now being called manslaughter.

He went missing in Belmopan, and then his family found his decomposing body in an empty lot. Four days after 58-year-old Belhem Guzman was found, police have apprehended his alleged killer.

Belizean Construction worker of Camalote village, 21 year old Allen Karson Coye was charged with the crime of Manslaughter today. Police found the house where Guzman was allegedly killed and a three wheeled ATV used to dispose of his body.

Police Domestic Dispute, Cop Fires On Her Boyfriend

And, in our next story, no one was killed but a domestic dispute between two cops ended in shots being fired. It happened Last night in Belize City, after 10:30, when 23 year old Police Constable Kendal Nunez attached to the SPU arrived home and met his common law Constable 29 year old, Janeau Arzu, attached to the Prosecution branch, socializing with her family members.

PC Nunez says he went into the bedroom and secured his Police issued 9mm Ruger brand firearm under some clothes on a shelf in the room and went to bed.

And a few minutes later Arzu came into the room, grabbed the firearm, pointed it at him and accused him of having an affair.

Fearing for his life, Nunez attempted to exit the house, and while he was making his way through the front door, Arzu fired a single shot in his direction and missed, leaving a bullet hole in the wooden door. She then allegedly threatened to shoot him in his head. Police Police recovered 1 expended shell at the scene along with his firearm. Constable Jeneah Arzu was detained.

Kareem Urges DV Survivors To Reach Out Following Cop On Cop Shooting

And today the Police Minister said that the situation is concerning, especially since police officers are trained to be emotionally intelligent. He added that he's encouraging anyone facing domestic violence to come forward.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I think it's very concerning for the country, The number of instances of domestic violence, and not just between police officers. We have to, at the end of the day, understand that police officers are human beings."

"In this instance, a couple, a female PC and a male SPU member, were involved in this altercation, which resulted in the female firing at the male. And so this is very concerning, and yes indeed, the police have much greater training with emotional intelligence and all of that, but at the end of the day, feelings are high in society on a whole, especially in domestic violence situations."

"And so we have to try to come up with a greater campaign, greater efforts to encourage members of the public. If you are a victim of domestic violence, whether male or female, please let the authorities know beforehand and before it's too late."

Barrow Tells GOB To Return The Money Paid For University Hospital

And going back to house business now - the leader of the opposition spoke on the adjournment about the 6.9 million dollars the government used to purchase land for a tertiary hospital in Belmopan.

Though the Prime Minister has said that ship has sailed, Shyne Barrow urged him to reconsider in the Public interest:

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"And this is a very pressing matter because you have malfeasance, the accusation of malfeasance from many stakeholders, the unions and many other stakeholders including the opposition and different independent parties came out to the Prime Minister's office weeks ago to protest this land acquisition that makes absolutely no sense, but for a government that cannot find money for social programs for them to be able to find 6.9 million dollars to pay to Kenny Zeng, one of their known supporters and donors when they have the property available at the University of Belize. Now the chairman of the Board of Trustees for the University of Belize is saying to them okay that land was not sufficient for you, we will find other land for you Madam Speaker it is truly a travesty. When we have 6.9 million dollars, a mark -up of a thousand percent Madam Speaker going to two individuals, whereas if you have the construction of the tertiary hospital at the University of Belize Madam Speaker that would bring such great benefit to the students of Belize. So we call Madam Speaker on this government to reverse this ill -advised decision Madam Speaker that can only be described as corruption that can only be described as malfeasance Madam Speaker and to take on the chairman of the Board of Trustees for the University of Belize to get back our money."

Cordel Hyde, Minister of Natural Resources
"And yes, the decision to acquire this land on the face of it sounds high, it's painful. It's a 90 million dollars loan that will establish a world -class tertiary hospital that will not just benefit the University of Belize because the University of Belize will - It's going to be a university hospital. It's going to be their baby too, you know, but it's going to be the nation's baby. Sign MOU, pretty soon, right? UB, Minister of Health, Government of Belize."

"Because ultimately, this will be their baby. But, it's a tertiary hospital for residents from the farthest -flung villages and towns of the southernmost communities and the westernmost communities. This is a big deal."

PM Has Nothing More To Say About BMP Hospital

And earlier in the week you heard the chairman of UB's board of governors tell 7News that they agreed to offer the Ministry of Health an alternative piece of land. Today we asked the PM if he would consider their suggestion.

"During the week the UB board met and they agreed that they would send a correspondence to the government offering an alternate piece of land on UB. Have they sent that correspondence and has that ship sailed?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I have not seen the response, but I have nothing more to add. I think you could take all the clips from the deputy prime minister who again, once I've been explained the whole process and we had a press conference. So I don't think I could add anymore to it. The attorney general said it does not."

"So then if the NTUCB takes you to court, which it plans to, you expect to win?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Again, it's their right, they can do as they wish. And of course we expect to win. We've gone through the entire process and we've been very careful to ensure that what we've done is under the law."

A Brick From Terminal Fell On A Passerby - Transport To Investigate

Yesterday, we told you about a scary situation that happened at the Novelo's Bus terminal. A brick from off the roof of the terminal fell on a passerby and injured her shoulder.

Any seasoned commuter will tell you that it's just one more symptom of disrepair in a very broken transport system.

Today the Transport Department released a statement expressing their concern and stated that they have launched what they call "a full investigation" - no word yet on whether the brick itself will be questioned.

The release states "Our immediate thoughts and sincerest apologies go out to the affected individuals and their family during this difficult time...... A full investigation into the incident has been launched to determine the cause, and we are working with structural engineers to assess the overall safety of the building."

PM on Sarstoon: BTV Needs To Be Careful

Not even a month after the Prime Minister's visit to Guatemala, there have been two reported incidents in the Sarstoon involving aggression by the GAF - which was on the Belize side of the Sarstoon in both incidents.

We asked the PM if he felt the discussions between himself and the president were undermined by these aggressive maneuvers. He explained that Belize is standing its ground, but stressed that Will Maheia and the BTV need to be more careful.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"The military people on both sides, you know, they are very they're straight, they're straight. And in their minds, they are doing what they're supposed to be doing. We know for a fact that they are wrong."

"But we need to stand our ground, and we've been standing our ground, but also with some sort of caution. And I mean, Wil and I are personal friends like brothers, and I urge him caution, I mean, because one of these days somebody might just pull that trigger, and then God forbid, what are we to do? Shoot back? You know, we're 1,000 soldiers, there are about 15,000 soldiers, I mean, we need to be reality. We have to look at reality, yes, we stand our ground, we've defend, but we need to use our international partners to help us, and we're using the legal process."

"We are at the ICG, and we have every confidence that we're going to win that case, which I hope sometime next year we're going to have the oral presentation."

Briceno Concedes Stake Bank Matter Will End Up In Court

And we also asked the PM about a request for an urgent injunction that the Feinstein Group has filed to stop the compulsory acquisition of Stake Bank.

No date for a hearing has been set, but the compulsory acquisition won't be complete until a second publication in the gazette six weeks after the first publication - which was at the end of August.

As with any question concerning litigation, he reiterated that it's their right, but added that the indemnity protects taxpayers in the event money needs to be paid out.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Since they're right, as I said, we all have rights under the Constitution, and they have a right to file for injunction, then that would be for the courts to decide. Obviously, it's going to be a fight, and it's going to go all the way to the CCJ, by the time that decision is finished, probably, all that thing done wash away, and all of that 270 million."

"The construction that's there, nobody's going to invest there until this is settled, and we need to finish that. So we believe, in the national interest of this country, to be able to acquire this land, pass it on to the receivers, and the ones that better have control of the company, but we did, under one condition in cabinet that they have given, made a deposit of $7 million in an account, for and on behalf of the government of Belize, plus they have signed an indemnity bond that should, in the future, the courts rule against the acquisition, and the owner, the present owner, Mr. Michael Feinstein, has to be compensated. We will have that money to be able to compensate Mr. Michael Feinstein, and it will not cost the people of this country, taxpayer is not a single cent."

We'll let you know when the injunction gets a hearing date in court.

An Artist Of The Spoken Word

And finally now for some news that doesn't have to do with politics, crime, or the House Meeting.

Our next story is about a Belizean Poet - who has made his art into a living and he is celebrated as a spoken word artist.

Rudy Francisco was at the Bliss yesterday and today teaching poetry to high school students. He's here to assist with a fundraiser, and offering advice to other aspiring young poets, having been in their shoes.

Jomarie Lanza got a chance to meet with him today and here's what he shared about his experience being in Belize.

If you're interested in seeing Rudy Francisco perform live, he will partake in the Optimist club 501 Belize's 3rd annual fundraiser, titled Royal Kruffy, which will premiere tonight at the Bliss starting at 7:00PM . The show is written and directed by Ray Gongora and will also feature Owen Ellis, Jamaican Actor and storyteller. Tickets can be purchased at the Bliss.


And from one Poet to another, the Image Factri held a book launch for Educator Beatrice Geban this morning, who is publishing 25 of her poems, with illustrations by Nisa Sanchez. Jomarie Lanza attended the launch and spoke with Geban and she told us what inspired her latest publication.

A Night of Patriotic Reverence

And from that book to Belizeans about home volumes could be written. They were honored last night in the Tribute to Belizean Patriots - which was held on the northern approach of the Haulover Bridge.

Here's a recap:

Remembering Busta's Big Find

And while he was not among those honored last night, tonight we note the passing of a little known legend of Belizean archaeology. Winston Herbert of Rockstone Pond was a site worker at Altun Ha in 1968 when he and Wilhelm Leslie found the jade head - a singular and unmatched object in mesoamerican archaeology.

A release from NICH today noted his passing and said, quote, "His unwavering love for Belize's history and archaeology impacted us all. We will always cherish his extraordinary contributions."

In 2005, Jules Vasquez spoke with these two men about their discovery. Here is a snippet of that story:

And while on the subject of iconic Mayan temples, we dug into our archives yesterday to find footage of Wilhelm Busta Leslie â€" The Rockstone Pond Villager who along with his buddy Winston found the legendary Jade Head at Altun Ha in 1968. Almost ten years ago, we went back to Altun Ha with them to relive the glory of their discovery, and reminisce about the legendary dig led by Dr. David Pendergast:…

Jules Vasquez Reporting

Little do we know how much we owe to the hard headed and stick to it I've-ness of two boys from Rockstone Pond. Walking into the main plaza at Altun Ha you might think these two men - both residents of the adjacent village of Rockstone Pond were accidental tourists. But in fact even as tourists and tour guides walk past them without even a second glance, Winston Butler and Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert are pivotal, central figures in the history of Altun Ha, the site that draws all these visitors. But these men are not even footnotes in the storied and gloried history of Belize's most visited Maya site. In fact they are forgotten, and now they want recognition.

Their story goes back to March of 1968 - when they were working in a crew of 26 men along with Dr. David Pendergast on Altun Ha. They had been working for four years and were clear on what they wanted.

Winston Butler, Rockstone Pond Villager

"We wanted to make our name famous, my partner and I."

Pendergast put them here at the top of structure B4, or as its known the masonry temple. He warned them of the dangers.

Winston Butler

"He told us it is very dangerous so we must take our time and we started to dig."

But after a few days - Pendergast became discouraged and told them to close up the hole.

Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert, Rockstone Pond Villager

"Mr. Pendergast gave up and he told us to go home and that when we come back we should cover the hole."

But these two at the time young men from Rockstone Pond, Winston then 23 and Wilhelm then 32, didn't. Instead they were intent on realizing this fame that so obsessed them

Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert

"We were interested in the work, we didn't only work for money, we worked because we wanted fame."

Jules Vasquez

"At this point you all had been working here 5 years."

Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert

"From the beginning, from the start."

Jules Vasquez

"And you all wanted the fame and the notoriety of finding something great?"

Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert


Jules Vasquez

"And you were confident there was something great?"

Wilhelm "Buster" Herbert


And so they continued to dig:

Winston Butler

"The more we go down the easier it was becoming. While digging we discovered a round object which is a Jade button."

That first find created excitement and the surety that more would follow - it did.

Winston Butler

"It was only about 15 minutes to 12 when I came upon some soft dirt, soft soft, so I took my shovel and start to scrape it and it lead me to something solid at the bottom of that fine dirt. But I said to my partner, look something is here and I said this looks like a capstone."

Beneath that capstone was a tomb - But it would be some days before the tomb would be fully exposed. With the help of the entire crew, they had to raise the massive capstone first, and that's when the glorious jade head was revealed. Winston was doing the brushwork.

Winston Butler

"While I was cleaning I saw a piece of green, just a small piece, and I started to brush it but the more I cleaned this thing, the bigger it get until it got about this size. When I looked up and saw Dr. Pendergast staring down I said, 'boss it seems that this is a very big piece.' He said 'hmm' and to just continue. The more I picked that thing and brushed it, the more it got bigger and it got about this size; all eyes looking down. After looking down on that thing, he turned it over and made a big sigh and said this is the biggest find in Central America. He passed it to each one of us in that room."

And that feeling has stayed with them throughout their lives. But what has not stayed is that first blush of fame. Nowhere are these two men mentioned for sticking to a mission that their boss had abandoned.

Winston Butler

" My partner and I, we need to be recommended. I would like that history prevails see because they are some youths wondering in the city, and all over the world, who don't even know about this finding. And if they do know or hear about it, they already believe or heard that it was a white man. So I would say that from here on I would like that our names be sounded and not Dr. Pendergast's name anymore because he knows to his heart that he didn't find that."

And while the gods of academia may feel hard to give them that recognition, until then, all they want is a license free and clear to work as tour guides in a place where they didn't write history, they made it.

Again, that story was from mid-2005. And while it is hard to imagine Altun Ha as buried beneath the bush, prior to 1960, it was. The pair told us that in 1958, their fellow villager Benjamin Audinett was the first to come upon a jade pendant in the area â€" which, the story goes, he took to George Price, who then called in Archaeological Commissioner A.H. Anderson and David Pendergast - the rest as they say, is history.

Winston Herbert died on September 10th at the age of 82.

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